Printable Proton Pack & other Ghostbuster Equipment

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 1 month ago

Changed the clippard and made it a separate piece.

Trying to replicate this lol (thanks to gbprops for the great photo)

by PeterVenkmen

17 years ago

You trouble by strange noises in the middle of the night? Then don't delay, sign on the net and download your own proton pack kit! Just listen to one of our satisfied customers.

Yeah! I'm a Real Ghostbuster!

Now who are they gonna call? You!

by PeterVenkmen

17 years ago

For anyone caring, here's my prototype ghost trap.

Also more recent pics of my PKE Meter.

The wings can go up and down, but not automatically.

by Only_Zuul

16 years, 12 months ago

Dude this wins so much. EDIT: my bad asked stupid question i had missed in the instructions

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 12 months ago

Added a crappy little ribbon cable :p

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 12 months ago

Peter Venkmen

Also, a prototype PKE Meter.

Impressive… most impressive.

by Frosty

16 years, 11 months ago

Just off the top of my head, I think it might be a good idea to print off the template and attach it to black foam-rubber and cut off the excess foam to make the proper shape. It would be lightweight, cheap and the template looks pretty good.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 11 months ago

Just off the top of my head, I think it might be a good idea to print off the template and attach it to black foam-rubber and cut off the excess foam to make the proper shape.

Everything is preformed. The templates are made into boxes. Attaching the template to foam wouldn't really make much sense, since they have to be folded to be shaped. Besides, the whole point of this is to create something completely printed off the computer.

A few added cardboard pieces, but everything is made off the computer.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 10 months ago

For anyone who still cares, I updated the pack with some new parts.

by Only_Zuul

16 years, 10 months ago

Any download able plans, for the trap and PKE meter? EDIT: Oh yhea is there anything you would recommend for the pipe/tube section that connects the gun to the pack?