Private Messages

by Slimee

22 years ago

I'm not sure if this board supports Private messaging but If it does It's a nice feature to use. It's almost like email. you can PM a person. actually more like a private post to someone. so instead of always asking someone specificly something on the board. you could just PM them. i belong to another board ( and they use this feature. another example would be ( message board. I say if this company supports PMing then Chad should add the feature. just a thought


22 years ago

you could always just e-mail the person. smile

by Chad

22 years ago

I always found that hoaky. I like AOL IM a lot. Hence, why I put it under each of your posts (if you have it entered in your profile). It's actually “instant”. Since I wrote this whole site from scratch, I could add whatever I want. However, I think IMs should be true IMs.

by Ghostbuster_D

22 years ago

Yeah, I prefer IM too, but I think pms would be cool too. It'd prevent all the private messages that appear on the boards, which are sometimes there because someone doesn't display their contact info. Just my two cents smile

by ProtonCharger

22 years ago

oh yeah, its a great idea. im apart of another message board that has it. pm is the way alot of its done. aim is used if you bud a friendship to talk off the board. pm is used for alot of other things and beats the tar out of email.

which was kind of a smart comment to say man. pming is alot more easier for everyone in the end. especially said for people that dont put their info on the board.

by GBFreak

22 years ago

I always thought private messages would be a good idea for Ghostheads to contact MODS.

by SadEmoKid

22 years ago

I dunno, I'm with Chad on the idea that it's kinda redundant with all the other messaging tools out there. AIM works just fine (as does MSN). It's just one less thing to worry about going wrong on the site.

by Slimee

22 years ago

email is a pain and some people don't check their email often. AIM is difficult becuase people aren't always on. PMing to me is much more convienent. PMing Mods if there is a problem instead of trying to see if they're online or if they have their email up. it's fast and easy and works for everyone all the time. and you don't have to give your info out. becuase i know hackers (even at my school!) who can hack just with an email address. PMing is safe for kiddies too

EDIT: how about this. how about we set up a poll or something. to find out what the people want. but not here in site suggestions. make it a sticky in the GB thread (you want it somewhere where the most traffic passes through)

by Tsmola

22 years ago

private messages are cool, I use them at my message board and at several other I visit, I use it all the time, I think you'd be pretty happy if you added them. smile

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 11 months ago

I'm all for PMs. I think they're wonderful.