
by newrecruit1

17 years, 7 months ago

Probiotic are bacterias supposed to help healing your intestine. You need at least 6billions of them in one gel caps to be effective. In yoghourt or else it's not sufficient.

Speaking with the drugdealer about the product, I came to ask:

“If probiotic are bacterias, then they are living organisms. If they are living organisms, then they need energy. What do they eat, in that tablet, to survive? And if they eat, then they ”burn" their nutrients, something is left from it. At 6billions…

The product says that they are 6billions during the making, how do I know they're still alive to do what they're supposed to do?“

The drugdealer answered that:

”In powder, the bacteria are not active. They don't live.“

”If they don't live“ I said ”then they're dead.. how can they help if they're dead?“

Surprise, the drugdealer didn't know what to answer. He ask someone else and I had now 3 of them who didn't know what to answer. The drugdealer then said:

”We had the visit of a representative who explained the good sides of his product. You'll get a better answer if you ask one of them.“

What? a representative is better than them specialists?

I said: ”Of course, it's a representative; his product will be the best. That person won't say anything else. Are you saying that we're only at the level of speaking of that product in a good way, to sell and make money, while we don't know much about it? That in probably 50 years we may hear news that this medecine can be bad instead?“

The drugdealer smiled: ”who knows… But one thing is for sure, don't take what you chose.“ I had a inactive «dry formula» she said ”Take this other product, it's probiotic in gel caps. You need to keep it in the fridge. Price is 40$can, Take one bottle during your meal. You can be sure that those are «living» bacteria."

Well, at least, there's one «active» product. But that price is a joke. Medecine… they always know how to step on human needs.