Productive Topic Wanting Answers from 88MPH Studios

by Dalboz

19 years, 5 months ago

——–This topic is getting locked. It's far from productive and goes against every principle this place stands for.

Dalboz, I hope you think twice before posting such crude and insulting comments. A true fan would realize the dedication 88MPH has put forth producing such a comic, no less the risk involved and, in light of all that has or has not happened in your eyes, support them. Obviously you feel different, but this isn't the place to air your dirty laundry.—-

I have emailed once a week to 88MPH studios , received no response.

Everyon in fact at my comic store has emailed once a week to them, received no response.

We are more than pissed off. 88MPH Studios has no respect for fans or the comic book industry, so why should we have any respect for 88MPH Studios?

The comic book store I go to lost money on the second issue of the comic, and lost all but 1 order for the 3rd and 4th copy (that was my copy folks) that's not including the pre-orders set aside for the hard covers before it was dropped from Diamond Distribution.

Here's a productive question:

What is happening with the comic? No more vague responses. No more “the book will be out this summer” (btw summer ended the 1st of september), and no response.

No more “We are having publisher problems.” No description or reason why.

IF Clavet is really the owner of 88MPH Studios, and you really do care about the fans, then why not give us an actual specific answer to what is going on with your company?

Here are a list of things that can be going on:

1. 88MPH Studios can't fill the orders.
2. Doesn't have the money.
3. Lost pre-orders.
4. Publishers are jacking 88 around if so then why don't you go to some other publishers.
5. Laziness.
6. Sony is jacking the license.
7. Not enough people are ordering the book because it was suspended from Diamond for lack of upholding the production schedule and those people refuse to go to the website.

The book is officially late. The production of the book was specifically said to be at the end of the Summer, we are now going into the fall.

There is no update which explicitly states what is going on, there is no update on the website, and the update on this website is whole heartedly vague with absolutely no specifics on what's happening.

I was pissed off in the last thread, however this thread is far from me airing “my dirty laundry”.

The “dirty laundry” at the comic book store is people are warning people off of ordering direct from the site. Not me, I ordered mine in june. But 88MPH Studios reputation has been completely shot.

So I'm asking, please, Clavet, if you respect your fans, tell us what the hell is going on!

Know what really gets me?

I've asked politely once a week to the inquiry address on address, what is going on, ever since october of last year.

ONCE a week.

I have never received a response from 88MPH Studios. NEVER.

I post a post considered a “FLAME” on this rather obscure website, and Clavet comes out of the woodwork saying he is the one who runs 88MPH Studios. Yet all my emails were polite “What's going on, please tell me the book is coming out!”

Explain this to me please.

Locking this flame-free topic (and yes I made sure this one was flame free, no name calling, no threatening, no nothing, all I've done here is report what's going on) will only serve to solidify 88MPH Studios' image.

So give us something of value. “It's been delayed due to printer problems” is valueless.

Mile High Comics of Denver Metro Area and Atlantis Comics in Lakewood, CO would be very interested in knowing what is going on for their customer base You can look them up via dexonline if you don't believe me.

by Dalboz

19 years, 5 months ago

Just to clarify the postition here:

NEC had troubles with The Tick two years ago.

Same troubles in many cases.

NEC was not above answering Fan Email explaining what was going on.

NEC was never kicked from Diamond Distribution for being tight lipped about missing a deadline.


19 years, 5 months ago

Technically, summer doesn't end till the 22nd. Think about that, bunky.

Clavet IS the owner/operator of 88MPH. We've all been in contact with the dude for nigh on a 2 years now. He has said on 88's own message board that a message will be coming very soon. If you bother to look around before yammering on you might have discovered this.

Besides, are you really hurting without this comic? I mean, really. Are you going to stop living tomorrow? So how can you not afford any patience? It doesn't cost anything and life's too short to be this obsessive. Yeah, your shop mighta lost money but guess what; business is a crap shoot. Sometimes ya make money, sometimes ya lose it. Thus is the way of capitalism and the economy.

by Dalboz

19 years, 5 months ago

“He has said on 88's own message board that a message will be coming very soon. If you bother to look around before yammering on you might have discovered this. ”

THis was mentioned over a year ago when the comic came up, so explain to me, ECTO-1, how my “yammering on” has stopped him from opening his messageboard

Business is a crap shot?

Issue #1 sold out in 1 week time. Do not presume to tell me he didn't have the money to operate his business. He had the best selling comic of its debut for an independent publisher according to Diamond Comics.

When I called Diamond Distributors asking what was going on with the comic and why they removed it from the order form, Diamond said specifically it was because they weren't getting “straight answers” and 88mph repeatedly “missed the deadline.”

He had a #1 selling breakout comic. So money could not have been an issue.

He had four chances with Diamond. So support of independent publishing is not an issue.

I am looking for the real answer as to why everything is being delayed.

Telling your customers, telling your stores “WHY” everything is going down the crapper boosts your credibility. Keeping your mouth shut only ruins it.

I'm personally patenting a boardgame internationally. You want to lecture me on the difficulties of a new business? Do you have any clue the level of aggrivation I have to put up with? Give me an email, I will gladly detail what has gone on in the last MONTH with the patent office.

I'm dead serious, if you want to lecture me on the “difficulties” of a new business then you need to make sure theperson you're lecturing doesn't deal with aggrivation a thousand times worse than anything publishing a single comic would equal.

Email me.

Meanwhile I am asking for a direct response with actual words coming from Clavet concerning what is going on. No more vague answer from people saying “You don't know what it's like so stop complaining!” 88 is not getting out of their responsibility that easily.

PS: I have also worked with my dad's archaeological firm in Western Colorado for the last 12 years: Grand River Institute. You think dealing with comics is bad, how about oil companies who don't pay you for your archaeological surveys.

I have offered my extensive background and resume for free to 88MPH studios long before this post, if Clavet is interested at all in getting his business running at full speed he'll be hiring people to help him (even if he hires on commission).

by Chad

19 years, 5 months ago

This is an issue you need to take up with 88MPH Studios. I will inject my personal thoughts on the matter before I lock this topic.

Things take time. When you create a new product / service, even with a well-established franchise such as Ghostbusters, there aren't any given factors or scenarios. When you enter the market with something new, you take a risk; plain and simple.

I have had the unique opportunity to work with 88MPH and I have seen a lot of good decisions made. In short, it is easy to rant on when you have no perspective. I suggest you look on the bright side of life. As the last few weeks have shown us (as well as 4 years ago tomorrow), your life can be turned upside down in an instant. If you care about the comic's welfare, I suggest supporting 88MPH and spreading the good word.