*PROFESSIONAL Fan Art [Goes Here]*

by Ectofiend

17 years ago

Kingpin Wrote:
Lanny, thanks for those comic pages. I'm gonna have to add them to my 88MPH comic art archive.

*Welcome :p …

*Sticky this - Yes?…Just an idea…


by misfit1

17 years ago

What constitutes someone as professional?

by Ectofiend

17 years ago

Misfit Wrote:
What constitutes someone as professional?

*Someone who's “profession” is making/creating art, or has devoted thier life's “passion” solely to the practice of such.

*I just wanted to make this a “Pro's Only” thread …I wanted to keep this in the line of pro comic book artists, painters and such…

*For example - despite how “good” people say my art is. I wouldn't post it here…Yeah I've been an artist since the wee age of 3 years old, and I've gotten nothing but praise from freinds and family alike - However I'm not a “pro”, as I don't devote 90% of my time to it, nor am I employed in any “art” field of work…

*Hope this clears this up…


by misfit1

17 years ago

Misfit Wrote:
What constitutes someone as professional?

*Someone who's “profession” is making/creating art

That makes me a professional!


by Ectofiend

17 years ago

Misfit Wrote:
That makes me a professional!


*Fair enough (*peter) :p


by Ectofiend

17 years ago

*“Ghostbusters” By "KeylessEntry":

*Deviant Art Profile HERE:



by Ectofiend

17 years ago

the_blessed_freak51 Wrote:
I don't know if this guys are “pro” or not but I thought these were pretty cool…

*While the question of “being pro” is always debatable, "billythebrain“ seems pretty much ”pro" , "mvcarter" I think I remember reading somewhere in his profile that he was a legit “cartoonist”, and "rogerjohnson“ maybe the same, however, as good as his work is, it borders on just plain ”fan art", IMHO …


by Ectofiend

17 years ago

*“Stay Puft” By Dice Tsutsumi:

*Blog HERE:

