Project - Ghostbusters, what if...

by Edimasta

17 years, 1 month ago

… in 1984, the 4 Ghostbusters were not able to finish off Gozer?

This idea came to me a few years ago, in a time I still was reading some Comics… maybe someone knows “Elseworld” or “What if…” from DC Comics
So I interpreted it for Ghostbusters and well, I am planing to make this a project for the huge fan-community.

Idea, story line, plot, stuff which I thought about:

- Crossing the streams was a terrible mistake when challenging Gozer, the huge explosion did not close the portal to the ghost-dimension, it spread the portal wider, wretching a huge leak between our world and the “paranormal” world

- In this explosion, only 1 Ghostbuster survived and was able to escape…

- Over the next 40 years, earth was terrorized over and over by more and more ghosts, demons, supernatural phenomenas etc…

- Some humans changed sides, became posessed, and million of peoples died in the fight against the threat

- Now in 2014, humans are living in so called “containment-cities” or “grid-cities” which are protected by proton-shields.

- Each city has a Ghostbusters Squadron with improved equipment.

- Huge Proton Blasters, Tanks with Proton Missiles, and improved Proton Packs with modernised traps are used

- The center of the paranormal thread is above the old building, where Dana Barrets apartement was, over 40 years ago… showing a huge dimensional portal crossing the sky and lighting over the city.

So that's it for now… more ideas coming - and I hope you support me with some own ideas
I'll also do some sketches and stuff… not sure if I write a story or do a comic etc… but one thing is sure:

I'll need help

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

Whoa, sounds like the spirit world is taking over the Earth!

One thing's weird is the proton missiles… missiles… that sounds weird…

One thing is for sure, they won't be able to contain a never ending army, the traps are almost useless! Your story needs to end in a big boom leading to everything back to normal that's certain :-O (^_^)

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

Interesting… the first bit sounds a bit like Ghostbusters: Super, a fanfic series where Egon's calculations atop Shandor's Temple don't work out, and there's a massive explosion.

All four of the Ghostbusters survive, but Peter, Dana and Louis are trapped on the other side in Gozer's realm, whilst Egon, Winston and Ray are in ours.

The three remaining Ghostbusters continue on, but Egon works for the FBI for a spell and is unwilling to suggest what scientific theories he may come up with in fear of failure and Winston, seeing technology fail against the supernatural, embraces his Shimi Buku heritage and converts to a more spiritual lifestyle… all the while being put under the watch of Walter Peck (Quite amusing in light of the new game )

The second part, where the world becomes overrun and humanity hides in Containment Shielded cities with their own forces of Ghostbusters sounds a lot like Ghostbusters: Apocalypse by Rich Crypt.

I'm not saying you're trying to rip either of those off… but I figure it would serve you well to take a look at these as to avoid people accusing you of plagerism.

Keep working at it… it sounds incredibly promicing.

by Edimasta

17 years, 1 month ago

Woah… don't know those two Fan Fictions… damn it ^^

But I need to work out my ideas better, the details etc… make some sketches and so on.

by misfit1

17 years, 1 month ago


Hum. Unfortunately I'm far too cynical nowadays to believe that some of those ideas are completely your own. Of course I'm not always right about everything, and perhaps they are all yours. But a few things really are far too close for comfort. Such as:

- Over the next 40 years, earth was terrorized over and over by more and more ghosts, demons, supernatural phenomenas etc…

- Some humans changed sides, became posessed, and million of peoples died in the fight against the threat

- humans are living in so called “containment-cities” or “grid-cities” which are protected by proton-shields.

- Each city has a Ghostbusters Squadron with improved equipment.

- Huge Proton Blasters, Tanks with Proton Missiles, and improved Proton Packs with modernised traps are used

Now, I'm not accusing your of plagerism, and to be honest even if I was I couldn't do anything about it. But these elements I've highlighted in your initial plan have been staples of my series since it's conception. And well, it just gave me that uncomfortable feeling in my stomach…And I felt I had to say something

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 1 month ago

Well, you figure the GBs would die from the explosion….and thus no more ghostbusting equipment left.

But you know, whatever.

You could always do a what if GB2…..

by JamesCGamora

17 years, 1 month ago

Well, you figure the GBs would die from the explosion….and thus no more ghostbusting equipment left.

Well that would just depend on whom survived and small little details like that.

by pantshater24

17 years, 1 month ago

im sure they have the specs and blueprints for the packs stored at the firehouse so they could replicate them.

also you could do the storyline where there are still small areas being protected but a small group of people stumble upon the specs of the packs and decide to take ghostbusting into their hands.

by Mjollnir

17 years, 1 month ago

Edimasta: They do have a point(Ben and Rich), also I kinda doubt the idea of a Proton Missile would “work”. The Tank and “Blasters” idea is interesting and sounds good tho. Other than that it's a good idea. It could be something of a alternate reality type story of what Rich is doing, too.

pantshatter24: Sounds something along the lines of something Ben wrote once. But that is a pretty good idea none-the-less.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

Now, I'm not accusing your of plagerism, (…) it just gave me that uncomfortable feeling in my stomach…And I felt I had to say something
-Some humans (…) became posessed, and million of peoples died (…)

-Each city has a Ghostbusters Squadron (…)

-Huge (…) Tanks with (…) improved Proton Packs with modernised traps

You… you… you IDEA-STEALER :-@ :p

We all love the movie, enough to let our imagination go. What is interesting is that much of us seems to turn around the same concept… can we call this “telepathy”? Naa, I'm not serious, but it is still curious and strange…

My idea contain millions of victims - dead? not realy - thanks to Vigo . I like also to think about undead but it's not a good idea. Many cities have at least one GB company but my idea is concentrated in NewYork where a new recruit just arrived; one of the reason that made me choose my username That person has nothing special and is a bit in the cloud.

The equipment and car are all the same until the end of the movie, where they need to enter the spirit world to finish the fight; all the franchises are united and we see for the first time a modified army vehicle close to this:

A transport vehicle with a powerful ecto shield, capable of holding six persons in the rear and four on the front. The modified equipment are only prototypes and only two or three persons have one. The uniform has also an ecto shield (weak) to survive in the spirit world.