Promote your GBN Fan Fics Here!!!

by DocFritz

21 years, 2 months ago

Back on GBN, Lord Vego started a thread called . , Advertise Your Fan Fics Here! (Anyone who wants to read something good, I suggest you look here!),

Well, Vincent Belmont and I decided it was time to bring it back.

So pimp your fan fics here! There's just one rule: This thread is for your Fan Fics only Any non-GBN fics will be deleted–but c'mon, you can still start a thread in the Fan Projects section, so that shouldn't be any problem, right?

So let me start…
Veedramon's Fan Fics

Real Ghostbusters: Fateful Encounter
Egon Spengler goes on a little trip to the 1964 World's Fair, and in the Mort Weisinger tradition has his “true” first meeting with someone of no small significance to him! Inspired by a scene deleted from Ghostbusters

Real Ghostbusters: Future Shocks (three parts)
The Ghostbusters of the 21st Century are contacted by a mysterious being, telling them that a time traveller with a malevalent agenda has recruited a familiar and much-despised face to his crusade. Can they stop these two twisted men from destroying the original Ghostbusters–and thus wrecking all of history?

Real Ghostbusters: Terror on the Jersey Turnpike
Ray's soap opera addiction! Venkman gets up early at 11 AM! Oh, yeah, and there's a biker punk from hell in there, too. Being the Ghostbusters, we mean that literally…

Real Ghostbusters: Invasion of the Danish Snatchers (two parts)
Egon and Janine's date is interrupted by the arrival of a crew of obnoxious gremlins who terrorize the Chateau Ritz restaurant. The rest of the Ghostbusters arrive to help out, but soon discover a teeny problem…

Extreme Ghostbusters: Clinically Insane
A highly speculative look at the “missing years” between Real Ghostbusters and Extreme Ghostbusters from the perspective of one of my favorite characters, Janine Melnitz…

Ghostbusters West Coast: Opening Night (five parts, cowritten with Kyleogb1983, Ludicris, SpecterHarness, RazorsEdge, and Jesusfreak)
The premeire of a new Disney movie is not usually a cause for terror. But tonight's a little different. A monster is on the loose and he's pissed. Who ya gonna call?
If only. They're three thousand miles away…

Extreme Ghostbusters: Revenge of the Jersey Turnpike Terror (two parts)
It probably won't surprise you to learn that it's a sequel to “Terror on the Jersey Turnpike”. But maybe who else shows up might be…

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for putting up this thread Fritz. It earns a gold star. (*peter)

My fics: (and who they are central to)

Ghostbusters Meets South Park(all the GB's)
Love & Hate(Clara's introduction, all the GB's)
Ghostbusters Meets South Park 2(all the GB's)
Mirror, Mirror(Egon)
Buried Memories(Clara)

Coming soon……The Call, also a Clara-centered fiction.

I welcome your comments and ratings. (*peter)

by Kingpin

21 years, 2 months ago

Going with the grain…

Kingpin's Fan Fics

Real Ghostbusters: Black Day at the Firehouse (Unfinished)

Egon Spengler attends a conference at the World Trade Center on September 11th, but soon things go disasterously wrong…

Real Ghostbusters: Ghostbusters: Aftermath of the Apocalypse (Unfinished)

What is the connection between a shadowy figure in a series of weird dreams and the Ghostbusters?

Real Ghostbusters: Legacy of Evil

Zombies, they aren't real…or are they? The guys are in for more then they bargained for when they accepted a call in isolated Raccoon City…

Real Ghostbusters: Silent Fright (version 1.0, currently reworked and now up on

Christmas time, but somebody has other plans for the Ghostbusters and the people of New York.

Real Ghostbusters: Ghostbusters Outtakes

Just what would happen…if the guys were really just actors?

Ghostbusters: Legacy

Nearly one and a half centuries have passed since the Ghostbusters were last heard of…but there's more going on at the old Firehouse then some would believe…

Ghostbusters: Legacy: Monolith of Shadow

A team restoring a relic from the past call in the new team to deal with a problem.

NOTE: All stories I wrote under my role as a member of Nightsquad are now being reused for a new project of mine.

by lordvego1

21 years, 2 months ago

Aww, thanks for letting everyone know I started the fad, Fritz :-)

LordVego's Fan Fics

The New Years New Threat - What happens 13 years after Lord Vigo tried to take over the world? A vengeful brother tries to come back and take back what should rightfully be in his family.

A Dream reality - Vincent Crapello wasn't exactly one of the most liked people in his school. He had few friends and little fun in school. Constantly getting mocked, all he had in life was his interest in a certain movie. One night ends up changing his life forever… or does it?

The Recurring Nightmare - How do you react when a dream you had never ended? You thought it was all over and your life had changed. What if everything you did was a lie? Vin will show you what it's like to not really wake up from a dream and end it once and for all.

Coming Soon… Dreams come true, right? Most people don't even remember theirs to make them come true. What if you had no choice? What if everything you knew was a dream in itself and your life was fake? What if this fake life and the real world collided? He has no name, yet He is not a god. But He will come back almost a year later to show you his Dream Come True. . .

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 2 months ago

Thanks to whoever put a link to my fics. I'm illiterate when it comes to that stuff.

Anyways, anyone else wanna promote their FanFics??? Come on over!

Oh and Kingpin, I read your RGB outtakes story. I practically fell outta my chair laughing. And my stomach was hurting from all that laughter.

by Dr.KyleStevens

21 years, 2 months ago

Here's are mine incase anyone wants to read and rate them

The Brownie of Manhattan- First Fan Fiction I wrote. A Brownie atacks Kylie Griffins apartment, wrecking everything and causing trouble. So it's up to the EGB's to put a stop to it. ( Typed in all paragraphs)

The Bogeyman Escapes, The Title has an error on it, which is spelled “Excapes” , my fault on that one. This is my second fan fiction that I wrote . The Bogeyman escape's the ECU due to an electrical storm, however he is still in spirit form and needs the fear of a ghostbuster to resote him back to his physical self. So it is up to the RGB and EGB's to put a stop to the Bogeyman. ( Typed in all paragraphs.)

GB/N.Y.M.M.A.T.- Future War Ch.#1- 3rd fan fiction I wrote. The Ghostbusters, EGB, and a unknown team called the N.Y.M.M.A.T. team up to stop the Spiritual take over after the Spirit World has came open and they must stop the evil Herr Geistimann from doing so. * Has some errors in it*

GB/N.Y.M.M.A.T.-Future War Ch.#2- 4th fan fiction I wrote- *Has some errors in it* The GB, EGB, and the N.Y.M.M.A.T. meet each other and decised to join forces against the evil Herr Geistimann and his amry of ghouls and demons. Aidded by the Mothman and the Goatman. Geistimann ‘s plans was to release some of the top 3 feared monsters of the modern world, The Bogeyman, the Grundel, and Samhain.

GB/N.Y.M.M.A.T.-Future War Ch.3-5th fan fiction that I wrote. Geistimann’s work has succeeded after releasing the Bogeyman, The Grundle, and Samhain. The GB.EGB, and N.Y.M.M.A.T. made plans to take them on. However, Geistimann's Assistant Frau Geistimann has plans to battle it out with the N.Y.M.M.A.T.'s leader, Kyle. And the others are focused on capturing the Grundle,Samhain, and the Bogeyman.

GB/N.Y.M.M.A.T.-Future War Ch.4: The Final Battle- 6th fan fition I wrote. After capturing Frau, the Grundle, Samhain, and the Bogeyman. The GB, EGB, and N.Y.M.M.A.T. plans on reviving the old machinary, that they captured the huge adolestant poltergeist with, * Back in the Saddle part 2* and ties to get it functional so they can capture Herr Geistimann and his entire army.
Will they succeed ??

Vampire Vincent ch#1- 7th Fan fiction I wrote- A disease carrying vampire named, Vincent, is wondering around the city of Manhattan to feed his bloodlust. However he is be stalked by Abe Striker and his assistant, Jake “Tex” Arbuckle and Nosdamnous, a Greek Demon who devours both mortal, vampire, or werewolf that stay near his path. Vincent's bloodlust goes out of control and effects a local hospital, where Dr. Drace Stevens is trying to solve it the problems. The Ghostbusters are notified and they will have the assistance of Gen, a young mage, and a warlock called, Dark Magician.

Vampire Vincent ch#2- 8th Fan fiction I wrote. The vampire patients have tooken over . It is up the Ghostbusters, Dr. Stevens, and Striker's team to put a stop to it. However this is fortelling the coming of Nosdamnous, who is out to capture Vincent dead or alive.

Vampire Vincent #3- 9th fan fiction I wrote. The ghostbusters, Striker's team, Dr. Stevens, Gen, Dark Magician,and Vincent have meet up. Until Nosdamnous had found were Vincent wa located. Nosdamnous attacks them paralysising the GB's , Gen, Dr. Stevens, and Dark Magician. So it is up to Abe Striker and Vampire Vincent tp put their differences aside and try to help the others so they can defeat this evil demon.

GBWC-Stevens go smash?10th fan fiction I wrote. Dr. Kyle Stevens is possessed by a annoying hobgoblin and is transforminto a completely raging monster figure, crashing everything in sight, aswell as Planet Hollywood and various movie sets to get to the hobgoblin. Will the South GBWC team be able to save their co-leader or will they be too late ? * Thank you , Fritz, for editing my story.*

GBWC- The Bugbear's Revenge. 11th story I wrote, I submitted this just recently, and assuming approval. A bugbear was a released from his dorment place by a storm and he is seeking revenge on the children of L.A., including Chelsea's little brother, Scotty. So it is up to the GBSWC team to put a stop to the bugbear. * Thank you Fritz who editing my story.*

GBWC-The Wolves of campgrounds, 12th story I am currently working on. The GBSWC team is investigating a girl's murder but they are traped in an old abandoned campground full of werewolves, better yet they are there for 24 hrs and there is a specail guest villain as the master werewolf. Coming to GBN soon.

by vincentbelmont1

21 years, 2 months ago

Vincent Belmont's Fan Fictions

The Night Visitor
A tale starring Tomb Raider's Lara Croft. Lara becomes a vampire, thanks to the meddling of a friend. Vincent and Gabe seek the help of the OGBs. Chronologically, after Vincent and Gabe struck out on their own and formed the Manhattan Branch GB office.

this one was my first, and it received MANY flame ratings. Read at your own risk.

“Mito-conundrum” (Parasite Eve)
Told from the perspective of a New York cab driver, he recounts the “true” retelling of the events of the best-selling videogame, Parasite Eve. Chronologically taking place shortly before Vincent and Gabe started their own franchise, and were still working with the OGBs. Only a year and a half before “All roads.”

This work was well-loved…save a single “8” rating because the reader “wasn't familiar with the series.” An example of a bad reason to rate something.

The Darkness Returns
A journal style sequel to the horror game “Eternal Darkness.” Chronologically during the year 2000.

Many people loved this one.

The Ring
The beginning to a story involving Nightsquad. Seeing as how I am no longer NS, this story is considered null and void unless I make a few adjustments.

This was received well, too bad I have to change it.

“All Roads lead to Raccoon City”
A Ghostbusters/Resident Evil crossover. Takes place during the first RE game, and tells how Jill and Vincent got together. Includes OGB Winston Zeddemore.

This is my magnum opus. These have almost survived with perfect 10's. this is my most well-known and loved work. Reccomended read

What part shall I do next? How about the public decide?

by cj1

21 years, 2 months ago

CJ's Fanfictions

A Boy Named Ray
Though not yet finished, this series takes a look at what Dr. Raymond Stantz was like when he was a kid in Morrisville. So far, the series has gotten perfect 10s (though only three have reviewed Chapter 1 and nobody has reviewed Chapter 2 yet). Expect some big things in the series, like Chapter 3 being up sometime in January.

On the upcoming horizon, I have an Extreme Ghostbusters story in progress called Halloween Resurrected, which pits the EGBs against an all new, all powerful, all extreme Samhaine. The story will lead to another Halloween themed story, where the Extreme Ghostbusters team up with the Real Ghostbusters of old (do not think of this as a rip on Back in the Sadell, because it isn't!) called Ecto Knights.

by Brendan_M

20 years ago

I would Just like to say that my fan fiction is now available online for the first time ever…I'm nervous and can't wait to hear feedback.

Ghostbusters: Ecto Force is readable at:

Please let me know of what you think of teh story.

by campi1

19 years, 10 months ago

Here are the stories I put online. I don't know how
many they are. Links goes at “stories”

*Harry Potter and the
Ghostwizards of Hogwarts
A Harry Potter crossover, written to resemble the
novels by the British author Joanne K. Rowling. Seeing
the movie is okay, but this story will make more sense
if you read the first book in the Harry Potter series.
November 2000. About 36 pages.

*Book it
Janine finds a nice library down the street.
October 2003. About five pages.

*One for the money
Egon and Ray catch a very famous ghost.
October 2003. About five pages.

A trap goes missing and its contents must be found.
September 2003. About nine pages.

*Councelor of the dead
Egon and Ray believe they need new vehicles.
September 2003. About seven pages.

*Ghost mom
Can ghosts get an offspring - if so, how will she
protect it?
September 2003. About five pages.

*Wishful thinking
Janine gets a customer and anything she wants.
August 2003. About nine pages.

*It's showtime!
Time for the Ghostbusters to sing.
January 2003. About eight pages.

*A dirty deed
Melnitz family matters.
May 2002. About six pages.

*Fly me to the moon
Janine decorates the reception.
March 2002. About nine pages.

*Proton clout
A Star Trek Voyager crossover, mid series.
November 2001. About 13 pages.

*Harry Potter and the
*Ghostwizards of Hogwarts
A Harry Potter crossover, written to resemble the
novels by the British author Joanne K. Rowling. Seeing
the movie is okay, but this story will make more sense
if you read the first book in the Harry Potter series.
November 2000. About 36 pages.

*Along came Friday
Janine is in a good mood and the guys wonder why.
October 2001. About nine pages.

*Family trait
Janine tells the guys something before she leaves.
August 2001. About ten pages.

Also available in Swedish as Hilton Hotel.
Peter's date shows up at the headquarters, waiting for them to leave for the Hilton.
July 2001. About six pages.

*The redeemer
A late night visit at the Headquarters.
June 2001. About five pages.

Also available in Swedish as Jason.
Short story about what could happen some day.
June 2001. About one page.

The crew from the Red Dwarf and a device of theirs.
February 2001. About six pages.

*A ghost called Del
The Gorillaz are paid a visit.
April 2001. About five pages.

Also available in Swedish as Playgirl.
Janine gets a few peculiar phonecalls.
March 2001. About five pages. Illustrated.

The Ghostbusters get a few calls concerning big bugs above Central Park. A Zecharia Sitchin crossover.
August 2000. About 33 pages. Illustrated.

*Game on
Winston starts making things tidy.
July 2000. About 17 pages. Illustrated.

*Me myself and Janine
Also available in Swedish as Mina jag och Janine.
A “big bang” in the laboratory is seldom a good sign.
July 2000. About eleven pages. Illustrated.

*Thank you for the music
A humoristic story about a “heathen” experience.
May 2000. About 26 pages.

Thank you for the music sequel.
May 2000. About 26 pages. Illustrated.

*The simplest matters
Also available in Swedish as De enklaste ting.
Things that happened, seen through the eyes of a Ghostbuster-to-be.
June 2000. About two pages. Illustrated.

Short story about visiting Egon's parents.
June 2000. About two pages.

Story written with a pencil sketch in mind.
June 2000. About four pages. Illustrated.

*Werewolf - chapter 39
A translated chapter of my lengthiest RGB novel.
Also the following chapters 40, 41 and 43. The novel used to be here in Swedish, plus English by translator program, but now I have no space for it on my server.
The novel is about 800 pages in full.
1993. About 15 pages each. Illustrations.

*Water - chapter 1 snippet
A part of another novel, translated from Swedish.
This novel is about 600 pages, unfinished.
1991. About four pages.

*Winston's diary
The diary of Winston was a feature in the British RGB magazine. This I wrote, trying to mimic his style.
February 2000. About three pages each. Illustrated.

*Beer, pies and audiotapes
Spin-off from the episode “Banshee bake a cherry pie?”, when Peter's friend comes to visit.
February 2000. About 20 pages. Illustrated.

*Bathtub drama
Janine ponders things while taking a bath.
March 2000. About three pages.

Also available in Swedish as Mina händers verk.
Janine gets her hands full an unusual winter day.
January 2000. About 15 pages.

Egon takes a cab to get to the airport.
January 2000. About twelve pages. Illustrated.

*Bridge knight
Rain at the Brooklyn Bridge, a ghost… and Peter.
February 2000. About eight pages. Illustrated.

*Occupational hazard
Janine can't believe the startling news about Egon.
February 2000. About five pages. Illustrated.

*Employee of the week
The police suspect a case might be supernatural.
January 2000. About eight pages.

*Unit in containment
To be cooped up in the basement is fun for no
man - or woman.
November 1999. About twelve pages.

Celeste is invited to study the environment around the firehouse and gives herself a tutorial that Janine is not very fond of.
August 1999. About eleven pages.

*Celeste - continued
What happened after Celeste above?
September 1999. About 55 pages.

*Pier four
Written as an almost stand-alone sequel of Celeste and Celeste - continued. The guys go to Pier four.
September 1999, March 2000. About 30 pages..

*She's got a ticket to ride
A night at a concert takes an unexpected turn.
July 1999. About 16 pages.

*It's a kind of magic
During a bust, a lot goes wrong. The story involves
the Captain Steel universe, aka Superman.
August 1999. About twelve pages.

*Hades, my home
Also available in Swedish as Hades, mitt hem.
Peter buys a statuette, which Egon finds interesting.
July 1999. About twelve pages. Illustrated.

*Blue half-moon
Classic RGB… a werewolfish mission in Brooklyn.
1994. About twelve pages.

*Manhattan by night
A crossover of RGB and Gargoyles.
1996. About twelve pages.

*Old stories
These are a bunch of ten-year-old stories, my first
ones, which I wrote at age fourteen.
1990. About four pages each.

*The new invention
My very first RGB-story - Slimer's gluttony versus Egon's latest invention.
June 1990. About two pages.

*Alea jacta est
Short story with a twist in the tale.
September 1999. About two pages.

*Black dog
Warning - this is not the ordinary RGB story. It isn't even likely to happen.
August 1999. About 16 pages. Illustrated.

Guest stories: Ray and Laila plus
Guest stories: The Neck, illustrated.

English isn't my first language - that's why there's odd phrasing in the stories. Sorry about that.

*In action
Ray goes to Toys R Us to buy something.
November 2003. About two pages.

Also available in English as Playgirl.
Janine gets a few peculiar phonecalls.
February 2001. About five pages. Illustrated.

Autumn is a season of changes - all sorts of changes.
January 2001. About five pages.

*Hilton Hotel
Also available in English as Hilton.
Peter's date shows up at the headquarters, waiting for them to leave for the Hilton.
February 2001. About six pages.

Also available in English as Jason.
Short story about what could happen some day.
February 2001. About one page.

*I vetenskapens namn
All for the sake of science.
January 2001. About two pages.

*Ännu ung
Short story about something that could have happened to a young Ghostbuster.
June 2000. About five pages. Illustrated.

*Ett oövervakat experiment
Bombastic story about a small happening in the
Ghostbusters Headquarters.
October 2000. About five pages.

This novel is no longer available because of lacking server space. The links are dead.
Original Swedish version of a novel.
Contains following parts: 1*, 2*, 3, 4*, 5, 6, 7*, 8,
9, 10, 11*, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28*, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,
35, 36, 37, 38, 39*, 40*, 41, 42, 43*, 44, 45, 46,
47, 48, 49*, 50, 51, 52*, 53, 54, 55 and 56.
1990. Part 49 and on continued year 2000.
About 15 pages each. *) Illustrations.

*Hades, mitt hem
Also available in English as Hades, my home.
Peter buys a statuette, which Egon finds interesting.
July 1999. About twelve pages. Illustrated.

*Mina händers verk
Also available in English as Picturesque.
Janine gets her hands full an unusual winter day.
May 2000. About 15 pages.

*De enklaste ting
Also available in English as The simplest matters.
Things that happened, seen through the eyes of a Ghostbuster-to-be.
June 2000. About two pages. Illustrated.