Promote your GBN Fan Fics Here!!!

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 6 months ago

Ok, I get that ur supposed to post ur advertisments in here, but where can u post the actual fan fic?


19 years, 1 month ago

Could go to , and I think there are sites within the comm to host them. Don't quote me on that, though. Me, I put mine on that page and my first forray into GB I made my own website for.


19 years ago

Actually, correction…make that my first RECENT foray as a member of the comm. Back in 98 I ran a series on my story site that lasted 12 issues. Forgot about them.

by Nate-GhostbusterLord

18 years, 8 months ago

i wrote an episode of my own GB tv show. it is short but if you want to read it it is under fan projects and is entitled my Ghostbusters tv show

by Sp9543

18 years, 6 months ago

Come check out the myspace of my fan film. There you will find information on the film, production stills, artwork, and blurbs on the films progress (to be released by the end of the year internetwide) If you have a myspace account be sure to add us!

by Nix

18 years, 2 months ago

I've been a member of the Outpost Gallifrey forum for a while. A few months ago, I started writing a series called DOCTOR WHO: MANGA, involving an all new Doctor and his companion.


I've recently started plans for Episode 9 of the series, SCHOOL'S OUT.
In this issue, which takes place in modern-day England, strange things have been happening at the Coal Hill school. A terrible voice has been barking at the students, teachers have been coming down with strange illnesses and, what's worse, slime is dripping from the walls.

The Doctor and his companion land just in time, because the UK Ghostbusters have been called in to investigate what's been going on, and they enlist the Doctor to aid the investigation. Suddenly, the Doctor and the Ghostbusters find themselves up against a very powerful enemy–the Schoolmaster.

I'd like to know if I could gain permission to use the actual names of the UKGB's members (Ben King, Iain Bennett, et al.) Don't worry, I'll make you guys look pretty good–it's really more of an excuse for my Doctor to strap on a proton pack if anything.

And, of course, the Schoolmaster comes from Pink Floyd's “THE WALL”…

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

What's a good place to find some good Ghostbusters fanfics? Most links in this thread don't work.

by jay_tigran1

18 years ago

Hey, I forget, do the CGBs count as GBN? seeing as we're a cartoon franchise?

What's a good place to find some good Ghostbusters fanfics? Most links in this thread don't work.

Check out the Canadian Ghostbusters

by DocFritz

18 years ago

Eh, when we started this thread the “old” GBN was still accepting fan fics. But since that area's closed, it has kindof evolved into a “pimp your stuff” thread, hasn't it?

For the latest updates on my fan fics:

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

Oh, cool. Thanks guys.