Promote your GBN Fan Fics Here!!!

by DSucrose

18 years ago

I'm new and considering working on a comic project that I was originally calling “Who are the Real Ghostbusters?” but have since started referring to it as “Will the Real Ghostbusters Please Stand Up?”

It would be a series or single story that sort of ties both movies in with The Real Ghostbusters a little tighter. I have several ideas for it and if I do decide to pursue it, I may need help on the scientific side of the writing.

Anyway, here's an initial picture I drew to see if I could actually draw a Ghostbuster (oddly, even though I grew up drawing and on a strong ghostbusters diet, I don't think I've ever drawn one).

I had no reference at the moment for the proton gun (obviously).

by fome

18 years ago

welcome aboard

I dig Slimer he he

nice work!

by venky1

17 years, 10 months ago

just put the first act of my gb3 story up here:


thanks kingpin

by Kingpin

17 years, 10 months ago

just put the first act of my gb3 story up here:

The url you've posted is a secure one only you can view, you're gonna have to go back there and find the public one, venky.

by Nix

17 years, 6 months ago


Remember that Doctor Who/GBUK crossover I proposed a while ago? I found a better story to work with. Tell you later; I have to go to class now.

by Nix

17 years, 6 months ago

Okay, here's the idea. I think the title should be “All Saints' Day”, for part one at least. (It'll be a 2-parter.)

Takes place in October of…oh, say, 2009. There's been more and deadlier ghosts than ever before, and the UK GBs have their hands full, and don't have time to think about where they're coming from!

Pretty soon, help arrives in the form of two men, each one calling himself “The Doctor”, but with different points of view and working methods.

The ghosts are traced to astrophysicist Dr. Hector Goshojin, who is currently studying “a hole in the Universe” that seems to be getting bigger every day. However, he knows nothing about the ghosts, except that they're “only a side effect”.

As they race against time, one of the Doctors realizes that the ghosts have some link to his past. He must find out what before time runs out…

Time for spoilers, everyone:

The ghosts, leaking through the hole, are the Dark Army, a race of demons who almost succeeded in taking over Gallifrey, but the Doctor had to destroy the planet and defeat them. They've been stewing in their own juices since then, waiting for centuries, and becoming more powerful every day.

Now they've got their sights set on Earth, and they've heard a call leading them towards their ultimate target!

by Nix

17 years, 6 months ago

Once again, I shall require all technical specs on the GBUK team. Where can I find this information?

by Kingpin

17 years, 6 months ago

Once again, I shall require all technical specs on the GBUK team. Where can I find this information?

I don't know if Iain would really be willing to be involved in the story… GBUK like most of the Ghostbusters franchises has always had suspension of disbelief taking Doctor Who and suddenly making it canon in GBUK probably takes that too far… that and in the Ghostbusters Omnibus universe Doctor Who has already been established as a TV show.

We both like Doctor Who and have thoroughly enjoyed it's rebirth since 2005, but I think we'd both agree that if GBUK were to appear in a story with the Doctor and the TARDIS, it'd have to be outside of the Ghostbusters Omnibus universe.

by Nix

17 years, 6 months ago

Once again, I shall require all technical specs on the GBUK team. Where can I find this information?

I don't know if Iain would really be willing to be involved in the story… GBUK like most of the Ghostbusters franchises has always had suspension of disbelief taking Doctor Who and suddenly making it canon in GBUK probably takes that too far… that and in the Ghostbusters Omnibus universe Doctor Who has already been established as a TV show.

We both like Doctor Who and have thoroughly enjoyed it's rebirth since 2005, but I think we'd both agree that if GBUK were to appear in a story with the Doctor and the TARDIS, it'd have to be outside of the Ghostbusters Omnibus universe.

I have no concept of what this Omnibus Timeline Universe is; I just want to spin a good yarn and go for one of those huge end-of-the-world scenarios Ghostbusters is so good at doing.

Whatever I'm thinking of, it's definitely outside of what you define as “the timeline”.

And believe me, you'll probably change your mind when you see just what I have in mind with the Dark Army.

by Nix

17 years, 6 months ago

Thinking about it now, it's definitely not within the canon! About the only things that would remain are the characters and the taxi. I have some equipment sketches I'm working on that would make your hair stand on end.

(P.S. When I said “technical specs” I meant things like how to write for the characters, and what kind of dialogue to give them! Sorry for the confusion there.)