Promote your GBN Fan Fics Here!!!

by Son_Of_Venkman

17 years, 4 months ago

I do recall at least one Hellraiser crossover story somewhere in the fic archives…

Oh, sorry. Thanks for informing me, I won't waste your archive space with it.

by Kingpin

17 years, 4 months ago

Well, it wouldn't take up archive space as at present fic submissions are closed, people have usually resorted to uploading them to places like

by suvarna_rohit

17 years, 3 months ago

Ghostbusters: Beyond Judgement Day Pt.1

Aug 29 1997, The day Skynet was Supposed to rise to power…

Sarah n John are leading normal lives thinking that they destroyed skynet n the terminators……But THEY'RE BACK and more advanced!!!
This time the GB's r getting in the fight!!

my first ever fanfic written 4 years ago!!!
its there in the archived section of
cudnt come to fininsh the 2nd part yet but i guess i will be starting work on it soon!!

by venky1

16 years, 11 months ago

dang… finally got my second act of my gb3 story up.
check it out and let me know what you think and where you want it to go from here!

by Extreme_gb4evr

16 years, 10 months ago

hey it's the FNG that's me. if you have not already heard I am writing new episodes of the Extreme Ghostbusters. my reason for this is I feel that the show was not given a fair chance like the Real Ghostbusters, and as an Engineering student, and a Writer I hate to let good material go to waste.

First off, I have already finished half of the first–er–forty-first episode of The Extreme Ghostbusters, as my series will be titled Extreme Ghostbusters “over 40” or just “over 40” for short. I am playing with the idea of using flash animation thanks to the input of KingPin, I might just opt out to semi-animate a comic book, due to the difficulty of finding voice actors. while I don't have anywhere near the money to fund a Fan film, I may be able to produce this series. As I have mentioned in a previous thread, I am no artists, but I am a decent writer, with aid from professors, and I will have my uncle, and maybe gather a team of artists together for character design. in the mean time, I have decided to post the first few scenes as a snack in fan fic form. I hope and encourage feed back constantly and want your opinion in the matter. I feel this is the child of the Ghostbusters community and it is up to us to raise it up properly. if you have any questions feel free to post them on my thread. please give me suggestions, this we we can do Extreme Ghostbusters the way it was meant to be.

by Extreme_gb4evr

16 years, 10 months ago

Hello my fellow Ghost heads. This is my first draft, and is completely changeable, but the more changed the more time it will take to start flash or comic strip which ever comes first. Second thank you for reading, please if you read you must reply, you opinion really matters, give me suggestions, also keep in mind this is the very first draft, so it is bound to be a steaming pile of crap, but together we will find the bits of golden corn. (Snicker ha ha) REASON: the thought of Ghost hunting, has been around for some time, because there has been technologies that predate the Ghostbusters (Real Ghostbusters in Paris episode), there also has always been ghosts as well, so why not other forms of Ghostbusters? Why not in another country, and why not till this day? Summery: the extreme Ghostbusters while on a bust gone very bad, discover that there’s more than one way to catch a ghost.

Scene 1: A city somewhere in Africa.
“Ahhh…… NO! NO! NOOOO!!!!” a man screams off in the distance.

“Kieumbe!” a rather tall man in red tribal clothes gives chase in the direction of the screams. His heart pounding hoping… its not to late.

Suddenly a loud sound of a plane taking off can be heard. The deafening roar of the plane’s engines breaks through the night, as it passes terrible close overhead. Looking at it as it tails off into the distance he quickly remembers his comrade’s call.

“Kieumbe!” the tall one shouts running toward what appears to be a darkly lit air strip. Finding several lifeless and crunched bodies sprawled about. As the Tall man approaches the bodies there is movement among them. Prepared for anything he holds out a stone, blue with gold. It begins to glow as he is about to discharge whatever force the stone has built up, a sudden jerk over came him.

“NO, WAIT!” (Kieumbe)

At the very last moment he pointed the stone away discharging the proton like blast toward the sky.

*That was close* he thought to himself

With Great show of strength he rasied the blood drenched, portly Kieumbe to his feet.

“T’chall, I tried to capture it in the prison of spirits but (his voice breaks up) it was to powerful, oh, it killed people. (Now bawling) I…I used them to hide myself. Of the GODS what terrible evil.

“There was nothing you could do.” T’chall spoke with uneasiness. Continuing he asked Kieumbe where the demon went. Kieumbe had informed him it had attached itself to the plane, headed for some place called New York.

Scene 2: Fire house
“Our favorite ghosts birthday err…umm anniversary of finding you thingy, anyway here is you present Slimer. (Kylie to Slimer)

“Thanke ou klylie” (Slimer as he grabbed the brightly packaged box and began to tear through it like a kid a Christmas)

“Ooohhua!! Yum LYum!” Slimer holding a giant cake, inhales it in one bite.

“Hey Kylie I think he liked your gift,” (Roland handing Slimer his gift) “Here open mine you’ll love it.”

Slimer opens it to find a stuffed animal in the shape of a pig; giving it a big squeeze instantly covering it in slime.

“Oh, look how cute he is.” (Kylie)

“Gross! Well, at least now he can slime that thing instead of me.” (Eduardo grimaced)

“Yeah Roland, nice work.” (Garrett also looking disgusted)

“I do what I can.” (Roland blocking splattering slime)

“What did you get Slimer?” (Kylie to Eduardo)

“I took him out to an all you can eat joint last week as an early present.” (Eduardo matter-of-factly)

“How ‘bout you Gar?” (Roland)

“I took him to a Mets game yesterday.” (Garrett)

“Well have fun slime ball,” Slimer too wrapped up in his toy to notice as Eduardo left. Kylie, Roland, and Garrett were close behind him.

To be continued: completed scene one and half of two. The rest of two and three will be up by next week.

by Nix

16 years, 5 months ago

OK, I know I'm subjecting myself to ridicule with this, but I had an idea for a “ROUND ROBIN” RGB Christmas Special fanfic, where various users post one chapter at a time for each week of December…and, consequently, the last chapter results in the ultimate reward–this year's Christmas Card (plus a few extra surprises I'll be throwing in!).

The plot, as it currently stands in my twisted little mind, takes place a little bit after Ghostbusters II. In it, Janosz Poha is still kind of fuming after the defeat of Vigo the Carpathian (he no longer feels like a million bucks as the slime has long since worn off). Anyway, one night as he was doing the dishes, he noticed a little bit of pink slime bubbling up in his sink. Investigating further, he found a small amount of the stuff still extant deep under NYC, or at least that little bit which DIDN'T get dissolved.

Hatching a plan to resurrect a Ghost Wizard he's recently read about, Janosz intends to wreck the Christmas season forever, as he was never a big fan of the Holiday Season, and now it holds especially bad memories for him–and he's going to destroy the Ghostbusters once and for all in the process.

Now, the only reason I'm not planning on writing the whole thing myself* is because I really don't have enough time, what with schoolwork and all, and besides, it's a little bit like a gift that keeps on giving, or even a Christmas party!. (*NOTE: I will do the final chapter myself, as it leads into the Christmas card.)

Granted, if anyone wants to partake in this, my only guideline is that it can be as whacked-out and as bat-**** insane as you want it to be. It's not entirely serious, and it's most certainly not canon (or continuity, if you prefer!), so yeah. Just be sure to remember the plot and characters, and anything goes from there.


The Ghostbusters (+ Louis Tully) : Themselves
I.Q. (James Bond Jr.) : Janosz Poha
Ivan Ooze (MMPR: The Movie) : The Ghost Wizard
Angel bought at Hobby Lobby: The Spirit of Christmas
A bunch of random RGB ghosts: Themselves

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

The last two posts shouldn't really have been posted here as this is a place for promoting the fics rather than posting the projects themselves…

I'm also confused why you include a script of characters for a fanfic, especially as they're characters from other fandoms.

And yeah, I still don't think much of Janosz being made a villain and wanting to destroy Christmas with a “ghost wizard” he read about.

by Nix

16 years, 5 months ago

I'm also confused why you include a script of characters for a fanfic, especially as they're characters from other fandoms.

And yeah, I still don't think much of Janosz being made a villain and wanting to destroy Christmas with a “ghost wizard” he read about.

Tell you what…I'll provide a rebuttal elsewhere, as I don't feel like clogging up this thread.

by WprmFactoryProduction

15 years, 7 months ago You've just witnessed the greatness…