Prop info for a total amateur

by Grimes44226

23 years ago

Someone plese give me some tips for a proton pack prop. As in my bio i state that i am a cheapo (proud of it!!!).

by ecto-3

23 years ago

Styrene plastic or any lightweight, cheap board you can find will do. Even cardboard works well from what I've heard, not to mention it doesnt cost much to buy some of the parts for your pack so you dont have to make them. Use liquid nails or super glue for all the attaching and what not because these are cheaper then epoxy resin(unless you want to buy it). Personally I'm building my pack out of wood, and it is recommended that you cut your motherboard from atleast wood so you have something sturdy to attach your packs parts to. Dont ever use styrofoam to build your pack, the paint will melt the foam and remember how much weight you're adding to the board.

Hope this helped some smile