Prop Plans (Formerly Ecto plans)

by Ecto_Dude

18 years ago

Ah. Well I got a bit of good news; I found the knobs and hoses and wireboxes you were talking about; I found a blue filter hose for under 3.00 a foot. Looks exactly like yours too.

I also went into Target where they had some fake military Web-belts for sale; I might buy one of those for my uniform.

Looks like Home Depot is gonna be my #1 spot for my roof Rack equipment!

by Boomerjinks

18 years ago

I found a blue filter hose for under 3.00 a foot. Looks exactly like yours too.

You sure?

Ours is black with blue ridges… very fancy! Go with that if you can find it.

Home Depot was DEFINITELY our main source for materials. We had one day where I made upwards of half a dozen trips to HD… awful!

by Ecto_Dude

18 years ago

At least you don't work there ;P

But yeah. I'm talking with my friend about a website/forum right now. Hopefully we'll get one up and running soon to take the topic there as well.

Side Note -
good Price?

Edit - Oh, boomer what are the demensions of your box? We're looking into Outbacks..

by Boomerjinks

18 years ago

Side Note -
good Price?

We didn't use reflective tape, because we wanted to be able to take pictures of the car at night

Flash+reflectors = OH GOD NO!

We used black on ORANGE vinyl graphics, custom-made, the same as our emblems. Pretty cheap.

The roofrack is… 33x35, I think… I'm not sure anymore, ha! It is the width and length of the inside of the rack, and I think 8 inches tall.

I just took a TON of new pics and posted them under my Ecto-1k thread, go take a look!

by Ecto_Dude

18 years ago

Sure thing!

And we found that striped packaging tape, 57 feet, Waaaay cheaper then that. NON reflective.

I'll take a look at your pics

by Ecto_Dude

18 years ago


We're deciding on using an Outback. It's a pretty cool SUV and stuff.

So, Boomer, We're really gonna need your help with this!

We're going to build the frame first/roof rack first, before we can buy the car, just to get the hardest part out of the way.

Right now I'm looking into Proton Pack parts; I already know where to get cheap flightsuits, and custom nametags so that can be put on hold until later.

My two biggest projects for now, will be the Proton Pack, and the Roof Racking to our Ecto. I just found an ALICE Frame and straps on eBay for cheap, so I'm going to snatch it up and get to work on my Pack

The Racking will wait until I can get back to New York, where my friend lives; and where I used to live.

I'll keep this thread updated with my projects and work, also when we release the website. Stay tuned, folks.

by Boomerjinks

18 years ago


We're deciding on using an Outback. It's a pretty cool SUV and stuff.

So, Boomer, We're really gonna need your help with this!

We're going to build the frame first/roof rack first, before we can buy the car, just to get the hardest part out of the way.

Haha, awesome.

I just got back from a local subaru specialist, and I am going to leave my car with them while I am in San Diego for 4 days, they are going to put the car on display and advertise on it, in exchange for giving me a new alternator that will better power all the lights and stuff. That's about a $500 service O.o

Seriously though, your priorities are backwards. It would be really really really foolish to build your rack to a specific size and THEN get a car. So many things can go wrong, with construction or in Life in general. It would be a REALLY good idea to get your costumes and packs done first, and fine-tune the design of your rack.

This is experience talking…

by Ecto_Dude

18 years ago

True true.


then it's settleed.

List of GB Objectives -

1) Uniforms and Packs, Design of roof rack, Possible Recruitment of 1 more member, Site and Forums
2) Outback
3) Roof Racking
4) Misc. Items (Siren SFX, decals, etc)

I ordered my custom name patch a little while ago, and I've got 3 Web Belts in my “Items you're winning” in My eBay (3 Web Belts, gray/khaki for $5 )

by Boomerjinks

18 years ago

Yup yup, I can't tell you how many times I almost got ahead of myself (wanting to cut and paint pvc before I knew specific dimensions, wanting to rig stuff up before it was ready, buying things that looked like what I wanted without really thinking about it)… I luckily had a good friend to say “settle down”.

by Ecto_Dude

18 years ago

Yeah, I bet if it wasn't for you. I would've done the same thing.

