Prop section feedback

by Chad

23 years ago

Hi Prop Guys and Gals,

I'm in the process of doing a large revision to the whole site (with particular attention paid to the Props and Fan Fiction sections). Please post your prop sectino enhancement requests either as replys to this post, emailed to me, or in the site suggestions forum.

by ecto-3

23 years ago


It would really be nice if we could post photos here instead of linking to them. And how about some new graphics here and there??

by back

23 years ago

I had a pic of my old pack up there and wished to delete it without success. that little feature would be handy now and then as well as editing what you say about your prop in the case of new pic uploads revealing that theres more to be said about a persons prop. thats about thanks.
im gone.

by ecto-3

23 years ago

I nice little pic on the left would be neat too. But the one thing I want is more Avatars here and there smile