Props for TV movie wanted

by d_osborn

19 years, 6 months ago

Master Spider
Don't get me wrong, if you're sincere, great, that's all well and good, but for you to just come basically out of nowhere saying “HEY EVERYBODY WE'RE MAKING A SANCTIONED GB FILM AND WE NEED PROPS!” is a pretty sensational claim…
especially since it seemed like other recent licensed projects didn't have a lot of… freedom… to talk about the subject on fan boards .

by MasterSpider

19 years, 6 months ago

Hahah well over on proptopia they've got an eBay auction of this guy begging for an Ecto-1. And one of the last items he bought was a broadcast camera, so obviously he's full of crap…

by deaddavey

19 years, 6 months ago

whats the problem? SO yeah a few months ago I bought a broadcast camera for a shoot when mine went down.

Doesnt that actually PROVE that Im in the production business? It not like it was an old handycam or something, this beast was a 14kg BBC BetaSP camera with a silly bargain price tag.

The BBC use BetaCamSP even now for their TV Movies and Dramas.

We have eight of these now. But GB wont be on BetaSP, it will be on HD.

why are you acting so negative when you dont even know me or my company…?

Bottom line is I am not asking people to just send stuff off. There is a special proceedure for prop aquiring regarding forms and acknowledgements etc.. And if you demand money its always considered… If you don't wanna help, you wont haeto. Simple as.

Be a little more open mined. Youre a fan arent you? So why would you try to stop this project or at least hinder it….?

by gbmasterman

19 years, 6 months ago

What's your companys website? What projects have you done in the past? Doesn't a company normally have a prop department that builds this stuff for them? Instead of you looking for fanmade props? And if you have the rights from Sony why wouldn't they let you use the real Ecto 1 in this thing? After all they just spiffyed the old girl up.

by MasterSpider

19 years, 6 months ago

why are you acting so negative when you dont even know me or my company…?

Be a little more open mined. Youre a fan arent you? So why would you try to stop this project or at least hinder it….?

EXACTLY. NO ONE here knows you or your “company.” Every once in a while some toolshed like you comes walzing in saying this and that and that you're the “real deal” and tries taking advantage of the “ghosthead code.” People have done it to try and steal money from people here, and now you're doing it to try and steal props. And even if you're not trying to steal props, your film is simply not sanctioned. It's not. You're lying. Give up. Game over. And even if you're not trying to steal props, and you do plan on sending them back, you're still lying. You're using this “we have permission and we're actually making it” when everyone here knows your full of crap, to try and get that extra piece of trust in you.

Let's just give you the benefit of the doubt for a minute. Say you did have legal permission to film this. And everything you were saying was true. The LAST place you'd start with talking about it is here. As everyone has said before, even people we KNOW have the rights to Ghostbusters products, like NECA and 88 MPH, are so completely tight lipped about everything they do. And they weren't even around from the beginning, they contacted Chad or the other webmasters first to make an initial announcement, and then gradually made their way onto the board.

Stop trying to gain false trust in people. It won't work. Ever. If you want to ask for a prop loan, tell the truth, and there might be some people nice enough around here to give it to you, if you haven't already ruined yourself to begin with.

“They think you're a fraud!”

You fill in the rest of the quote for me…

by Kingpin

19 years, 6 months ago

You have said something to the effect of working with the charity, Red Cross. Does this mean then that if one of us were to call their British offices, they would know what we are talking about?

The main issue that is causing these problems with trust… one way or another you haven't gone out to set yourself a very good personal image, with the little more then neccesary topics asking for props (And the email on the subject wasn't really required, was it?)

And in addition to that, usually places manufacture their props when they can (Although understandably a Ecto-1 replica is a little harder to recreate unless you can hire one out). But, as I mentioned in the other thread, and Tom did here, we're a skeptical bunch after being taken for a ride by various parties over the last few years… and I'm sorry that it might irk you, but people with ‘more’ proof have come and gone and left wreckage in their wake like Katrina… and there have been those who have claimed to be making movies, and asking for loans of props and donations of money.

I just hope this thing can be resolved with both you and us being happy and not loosing out.

by fomeboy

19 years, 6 months ago

by Mat.

19 years, 6 months ago

umm….droool? :-)