Proton Gun

by below_radar_00

15 years, 2 months ago

I've been wondering this for a while but never got around to asking: Has anyone ever made a proton gun that uses lights instead of stickers on the round red things next to the bar graph? I just love how this area looks on the video game with the lights moving around and stuff but I don't think I've ever seen a gun with anything more than lights. If no one has made it it, is anyone thinking about doing it?

by jogi82

14 years, 11 months ago

would be a hell lot of work! i meam its nearly impossible! look, even if u try to do this smooth running lights with fiberoptics, u need the lightsources! and to host this anount of leds u need alot of space! not to mention the wireing of the whole show……….
on the other hand there are lightboard that runs a 4 chanal chaser light, but its not a light circuling on the gun! the whole emblems are rotating! NO WAY!