Proton Pack

by Astrozeke

15 years, 8 months ago

Hey folks. I'm a long time GB fan, and I'm currently in the market for a quality proton pack replica. I check ebay every so often to see what's available, but I always seem to miss the auctions by a day or so. Does anyone have, or know of someone who is selling a pack, or takes orders for packs? If so, I'd be very interested in buying. Feel free to message me. Thanks in advance for the info!

by Winston_Zeddmore

15 years, 8 months ago
it tells you the cost and has a proton pack molds for sale( for 60$). the only downside is you have to sign up for another website to view the scematics for the proton pack before the mold is put on.

by Kingpin

15 years, 8 months ago

it tells you the cost and has a proton pack molds for sale( for 60$). the only downside is you have to sign up for another website to view the scematics for the proton pack before the mold is put on.

If I were you I wouldn't buy their Proton Pack shell, they've left off a few obvious details on the Gear Box (the large rectangular block at the top), the Power Cell (block on the left side which has the blue lights in it) and the shell's lines really aren't all that clear due to the vacuum forming.

by Winston_Zeddmore

15 years, 8 months ago

ok, now i see what you mean. i wouldnt have noticed that unless you'd have said something

by Astrozeke

15 years, 8 months ago

Thanks for the help, everyone. I actually came across a pack that I think I'm going to go ahead and buy. I appreciate all those who pointed me in the right direction.