Proton Pack accessory for the Wii

by ShadowSt

15 years, 9 months ago

by Heslimedme80

15 years, 9 months ago

Pretty cool, however an accessory like that would be more immersive if the game was in the first person view i think.

Pretty cool. Hope it happens.

And here's the thread that the “leak” came from:

by jogi82

15 years, 9 months ago

i would like to know how much it is, if this isnt a hoax!
i have not a wii, but i could use it for a pack replia!
but on the other hand, i wouldnt give more than 30 euro!

by Yehome

15 years, 9 months ago

I don't like it. And it's done for left handed people.

by egonspengler4

15 years, 9 months ago

Actually, it's designed for how you usually play video games. The thumbstick for movement is there for the left hand, for example.

So actually, it's for right-handed people. But on the Proton Gun design, this means it's reversed. But it's still set up in the same way you'd hold the Wiimote in the right hand and the Nunchuck in left hand.

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 9 months ago

it's sexy…i want it

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

It definitely looks sweet, but it doesn't look like it has an attachment for the Nunchuk.

I'm guarded on this, it looks like it could be a hoax. The Nunchuk is an extremely important part of the Wii version of the game. I dunno if this could work with the Nunchuk.

I'd buy it if its real though.

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

Egon Spengler;145000
Actually, it's designed for how you usually play video games. The thumbstick for movement is there for the left hand, for example.

Not to mention, it makes more sense to have the thumb stick be near the rear handle, based on how the Proton Gun is usually held

Doctor Venkman;145003
It definitely looks sweet, but it doesn't look like it has an attachment for the Nunchuk.

Those are earlier mockups, currently they're toying with putting it near what's called the Trigger Box, the box set at a 45 degree angle on the left side of the gun. As for whether it's a hoax, Casper on GBFans is apparently one of the people helping to develop it.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

Those are earlier mockups, currently they're toying with putting it near what's called the Trigger Box, the box set at a 45 degree angle on the left side of the gun. As for whether it's a hoax, Casper on GBFans is apparently one of the people helping to develop it.

Given the way the controls work that wouldn't make a lot of sense though.

Unless they've changed the controls, to wrap your stream you need to shake the Nunchuk, you also need to do this to shake slime off of your character. Shaking the entire gun would make your stream shoot wildly as well.

Like I said, I dunno. Its definitely possible, and I would love it if it is, it just doesn't logistically make sense to me right now.

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 9 months ago


That's a pretty elaborate shell, for sure. I'm designing one of these that can be attached to my pack for when I play Ghostbusters, and I am a little concerned with the remote being directly behind the tip of the glider. Transparent plastics and the Wii's infrared sensor are not on friendly terms.