Proton Pack for GB:TVG Launch!

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 7 months ago

Okay so, I wanted to buy a Proton Pack replica, because I currently live in an apartment which means I have no place to build my own. Sadly, at the same time I planned to purchase one, well, stuff happened and I couldn't.

So, that said I went back to what I used to do in these situations, I went to a thrift store, bought a bunch of old junk and built my own pack. It's not QUITE done, as I haven't applied the hazard stickers yet, but you get the idea. Also, the Neutrona wand still has some of the areas taped from the painting. Enjoy (responsibly)!

by nuclearbrew

15 years, 7 months ago

Very crafty indeed, nice throw together. I give it 5 gold stars, nice work.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago

Considering it sounds like a quick job, that looks pretty damn nice.

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 7 months ago

Thanks! I'm pretty pleased, considering what I had to work with. It got some nice compliments at my store as well.

by flameboy2

15 years, 7 months ago

I think this looks fantastic. I too have hoped to buy a proton pack, but simply cannot afford it with bills and rent. If I could build anything like that I'd be happy! It may not be movie accurate but it looks great and is obviosuly a proton pack.

When you say you went to a thrift store and bought the stuff, is this pack actually made of various items stuck down and painted? It looks very neat and professional imo and would love to make something similar, although it would probably take me a great deal more time.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

Very nice throw together. Very nice indeed

by AyameEx_Goddess

15 years, 7 months ago

When you say you went to a thrift store and bought the stuff, is this pack actually made of various items stuck down and painted?

Yep. It's made of toys, mostly.

The pack is made from a NERF disk launcher, some other toy which I have no idea what it was, parts of a water gun, a vacuum attachment, a few oddments I found in my apartment, and the wires and stuff are all the motors from the disk launcher.

The Neutrona wand is made from a hair curler, a pencil sharpener, part of a sink drain, and some oddments I pulled off the other stuff.

I attached as much as I could with bolts to keep the frame together, then glued the rest with a combo of Gorilla glue and some Liquid Nails to simulate welding.

by flameboy2

15 years, 7 months ago

Now you've mentioned some of the item you used I can see a few of them such as the hair curler! I think it's very creative that you were able to throw this together so quickly just using various items. I don't think I have the imagination to see a random toy and envision where it would fit on a proton pack.

I'm certainly going to try though and will be having a look for some of the item you mentioned on the cheap. Not sure if the girlfriend has a hair curler, but if so, I'll just “borrow” those!

by jogi82

15 years, 6 months ago

looking awsome!
give it a nice scratched used look with some silver/black paint and it will look much better!

by Nix

15 years, 6 months ago

Hey, Ayame, you're not alone in building a “thrown-together” pack. One of us made a pack from a circular saw container.