Proton pack lights and gun hook kit

by ghoststopper_73

17 years, 10 months ago

Hey I need some help with my pack! I have everything on it I want to do but I need to find a gun hook kit and some lights for the proton pack. I contacted Hyberdyne Labs about the lights but I got no response. I even emailed the guy at on the Ghostbusters replica parts page about the gun hook kits but never heard anything back from him either. Can someone help out a fellow Ghostbuster? Thanks Guys!

by Ecto_Dude

17 years, 10 months ago For the gun hook (bottom of page)

and try for the light kit (in the forums; the “For Sale” section)

by ghoststopper_73

17 years, 10 months ago

Yeah I went to format to check them out and found them. I sent the guy a message about a week ago but never heard from him. Does anyone have an extra set of gun hooks they would sell me? I didn't see any light sets for sale on unless I didnt look in the right place. I thought since I went through the trouble and time to make look really cool I wanted to add the lighting effects too. In closing I think everyone here does a fantastic job with their proton packs. It's nice to know we can keep the traditonal alive and strong. Good work guys!

by importtuner760

17 years, 10 months ago

believe it or not the plans say that a perfect alternative for not having the gun hook kit would be for you to get those hard plastic dixy cup holders because they are almost the same thing as far as how they slide into eachother, then you either paint them black, or metallic silver.

by Ecto_Dude

17 years, 10 months ago

There's a link to the pack kit

and there's to the gun kit.

Hope those help!