Proton Pack Parts for sale

by cybergod99

22 years, 2 months ago

Hi everyone. I have been involved in the GB community online since I found out there was one back in ‘98. I have a now defunct site (cybergod’s ghsotbuster page). I have been doing prop stuff for a while, but the last few years, I have found other things that have occupied my time.
Once upon a time, I started building a proton pack. Then I sort of lost interest and put it in a box. Im not getting ready to go to college and I'm getting rid of all my boxes (I have a lot). I found this and thought someone might be able to use it. I put it up on ebay. you can find all the info with pictures here : The opening bid is $75.00. It's a little high, I know, but it has a lot of stuff, including a mint alice pack. Check it out. Email me with any questions and check out my sites if you want. One is my band, and one is my old GB site.

Have Fun (and GB Doom rules!),
Justin Clark

North Point
Cybergod's Ghostbuster Page