Proton Packs Needed

by clembuster_88

22 years, 5 months ago

Hi, if anyone has a kids toy Proton Pack and they are willing to sell it i would appriciate it if u would either leave me a message… or email me at

I am trying to put together a costume for my Halloween dance in October… and i need to find 4 toy packs cheep.

please try and contact me if u are able to help me locate or buy any of these kids packs.

I really be thankful if u could help in anyway.

Thank You,


by boozer

22 years, 5 months ago

I have a Proton Pack I'd be willing to sell you. It's really messed up though… It's just the pack (not the gun), and it has no stickers. I'd sell it for $10 + shipping. I just thought I'd mention this in case you'd be interested.

– David

by ghosthunter42

22 years, 5 months ago

Check I bought 2 yesterday from there for $20.00 each. They were still in the original box, unopened.