I got the PS2 GB game and of coarse am having some problems with it. It freezes now and then. But I notice that if you play for long stretches it seems fine. In the two times I've played it, I finished with the Library stuff and the Collector (ugly worm thingie). But I'm using the “rookie guy”. My brothers been playing with the “rookie girl” and it seems to have more screw ups when one uses her. In the Stay Puft stages, he can't put the 2 generators away. They won't go in the slots, or he can get one in but the game doesn't acknowlegde it and he can't even seem to shoot the electric worker ghosts. Instantly the proton pack overheats after one shot against the ghosts for no reason. I told my brother he should start a new game and play in longer stretches. Because he's set at that stage as his continue point and it doesn't change the situation. Talk about a stupid glitch. You can't capture the 2 electric ghosts at all and the generators won't slot in. And also Ray isn't even helping the rookie girl at all too. I didn't have these problems with the rookie guy. That just seems all screwed up from the game. Has anyone had this problem playing the rookie girl on the PS2? Any suggestions?