ps3 died :(

by RickyM

16 years ago

i got this error code that went something like

error on start up operation (800010009)

it plays games but just completely glitches so there isnt any point in playing, has anybody encounterd this problem as it does happen according to alot of people on google, am gutted, ps3 and xbox sux so bad, i gotta buy a new 1 now instead of a new tv, cuz i cannot live without my ps3, i have no life lol

by rockstar232007

16 years ago

i got this error code that went something like

error on start up operation (800010009)

it plays games but just completely glitches so there isnt any point in playing, has anybody encounterd this problem as it does happen according to alot of people on google, am gutted, ps3 and xbox sux so bad, i gotta buy a new 1 now instead of a new tv, cuz i cannot live without my ps3, i have no life lol
Do a format to see if that works, if not, try doing a recovery (after you've backed up all your data). Hope that helps, if not try calling Sony.(*peter)

by RickyM

16 years ago

done that last night, same thing, it works but freezes up on all things throughout the game, and then wont restart and the controller freezes, when i phones sony they said basically that they new nothing about this problem so it must be something i have done, plus it really doesnt help that my warranty has ran out,

do you no at all if game cheats could be the cause, see it happened a few days after i used a cheat or 2 on saints row 2, and the save game coruppted and got damaged, since then BAM, problem, could it be that or coincidence

by rockstar232007

16 years ago

done that last night, same thing, it works but freezes up on all things throughout the game, and then wont restart and the controller freezes, when i phones sony they said basically that they new nothing about this problem so it must be something i have done, plus it really doesnt help that my warranty has ran out,

do you no at all if game cheats could be the cause, see it happened a few days after i used a cheat or 2 on saints row 2, and the save game coruppted and got damaged, since then BAM, problem, could it be that or coincidence
You could try a “Soft Reset”

Hold the start button down when the system is already on until the system turns off. Then hold the same button down for five seconds until you hear 1 beep then another 2 until you hear 2 beeps. Then hit the PS3 button on your controller while it's plugged into the USB cable (the screen should tell you to plug in the controller). After that, do a full system recovery. Hopefully this will help.

by RickyM

16 years ago

thanks for the tips mate, i'll try this today, if no luck i guess its a new ps3, must get longer warranty on this one though, thank god it isnt june yet

update: apparently this problem is becoming widespread, maybe a firmware problem/ also been mentioned is the blu ray side of things is blown out, basically being referred to as SONYS equivelent of the RED RINGS OF DEATH R.I.P my ps3

by CrashOV

16 years ago

thanks for the tips mate, i'll try this today, if no luck i guess its a new ps3, must get longer warranty on this one though, thank god it isnt june yet

update: apparently this problem is becoming widespread, maybe a firmware problem/ also been mentioned is the blu ray side of things is blown out, basically being referred to as SONYS equivelent of the RED RINGS OF DEATH R.I.P my ps3

great. now I not only have to fear for my xbox360 I have to worry about my ps3 too? If you find out what causes it I would love to know. I only use it for bluray's at the moment (no game on it I am interested in right now) but that will change in june.

by RickyM

16 years ago

yeah apparently (not confirmed) its basically your blu ray drive dying,

if this happens, be afraid:

playing a game, your game freezes, and……

1. your contoller no longer responds
2. your reset button on your console no longer responds
3. when you turn your computer off by power switch, it bleeps 3 times when turned back on,

then whenever you play another game,

1. it doesnt even load aka( error on start operation and a code is shown)
2. it loads game perfectly, plays for maximum 5 mins, then dies, doesnt respond at all

ps3 officially dead!

by CrashOV

16 years ago

that makes me already worried, since my ps3 has this annoying thing where the sound skips and the frame hangs for a sec about every 5 minutes when I watch a dvd on it. It works fine with blu ray disks though.

by RickyM

16 years ago

mine occured when i was playing fifa 09, the commentary just turned off, all that was heard was the crowd, at half time, i was unable to go to the second half cuz the game had frozen and all sound had gone and i couldnt reset my ps3, then after i turned it off i put in saints row 2, started playing, 5 mins in they were talking in the hospital at the start of the game during a cutscene, and wham, the sound went, they were talking and i could still play but with no sound at all, and wen it got to the next load screen, froze dead, this occurs all the time now, sometime be lucky to even get 6 mins of game time, but never lasts longer than that, orderd my new ps3 already, so hopefully this will last me as i am getting 3 years warranty, learnt my lesson, but still pathetic really,

ha ha ps3 fanboys will be gutted right now after teasing xbox 360 fanboys about the red rings of death

Update: this is now officially known problem and even has its own nickname and a few possible causes

ok the error code is (80010514) and it is now known worldwide as the ‘ CODE OF DEATH’ and there IS NO FIX!!!

what this is, is the blu ray drive has fully failed, and is unable to read blu ray disks aka all games and dvd's, (blu ray)

now it may be coincidental, but many people who have had this happen have strangely enough said that they were either playing or had played ‘Call Of Duty 4’ and GTA IV' but call of duty is being labelled the POSSIBLE cause, and even has the same initials (COD) lol but i think thats just coicidental but it is strange cuz i have had my ps3 for a year, no faults, and now i just finished playing half way through my borrowed call of duty modern warfare, and wham, this happens, so its up to you, am just letting you no

by rockstar232007

16 years ago

mine occured when i was playing fifa 09, the commentary just turned off, all that was heard was the crowd, at half time, i was unable to go to the second half cuz the game had frozen and all sound had gone and i couldnt reset my ps3, then after i turned it off i put in saints row 2, started playing, 5 mins in they were talking in the hospital at the start of the game during a cutscene, and wham, the sound went, they were talking and i could still play but with no sound at all, and wen it got to the next load screen, froze dead, this occurs all the time now, sometime be lucky to even get 6 mins of game time, but never lasts longer than that, orderd my new ps3 already, so hopefully this will last me as i am getting 3 years warranty, learnt my lesson, but still pathetic really,

ha ha ps3 fanboys will be gutted right now after teasing xbox 360 fanboys about the red rings of death

Update: this is now officially known problem and even has its own nickname and a few possible causes

ok the error code is (80010514) and it is now known worldwide as the ‘ CODE OF DEATH’ and there IS NO FIX!!!

what this is, is the blu ray drive has fully failed, and is unable to read blu ray disks aka all games and dvd's, (blu ray)

now it may be coincidental, but many people who have had this happen have strangely enough said that they were either playing or had played ‘Call Of Duty 4’ and GTA IV' but call of duty is being labelled the POSSIBLE cause, and even has the same initials (COD) lol but i think thats just coicidental but it is strange cuz i have had my ps3 for a year, no faults, and now i just finished playing half way through my borrowed call of duty modern warfare, and wham, this happens, so its up to you, am just letting you no
Nothing is perfect, but as far as this being new to the PS3, it's not, this problem has been associated with this system for awhile, it just has an error code now. I've had mine for almost two years, and haven't had any problems whatsoever, and neither has anyone that I know that has one, but guess what, everyone I know that has/had a 360, has had to either send it back (RROD), pay a fortune to get it fixed, or as a last resort…sell them on ebay. (*peter)