PS3 version inferior CONFIRMED.

by csullivan1980

15 years, 5 months ago

That does stink :-( but that's life. I'm not too bummed out just happy that that is all that's different. If there were extra levels or a slightly different, more exciting store then I'd be pissed.

As long as the gameplay and storyline are the same I'm happy!

by cowboyspike1

15 years, 5 months ago

So what about the PS3 version running at 540p dipping below 30fps at times with tearing? A lot of people aren't happy about that.

by skankerzero

15 years, 5 months ago

So what about the PS3 version running at 540p dipping below 30fps at times with tearing? A lot of people aren't happy about that.

540p? .

by JSpengler

15 years, 5 months ago

As long as it doesn't look like this. I'm happy.


by cowboyspike1

15 years, 5 months ago

Isn't the game rendering at 960 by 540 with QAA on PS3 and 1280 by 720 2xMSAA on Xbox 360? LensofTruth bought both the PS3 and 360 versions from Play N Trade, so obviously it's the retail version, unless they're lying.

EDIT-Plus, LoT said they outputted both versions at 720p through component cable.

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 5 months ago

The PS3 suppose to render the up to 1080P.

by Darknight

15 years, 5 months ago

540p? .

Wait, let me get this straight. Is Terminal Reality accusing Lens of Reality for capturing video feed from the 360 version in HD 720p res while the somehow either purposefully or mistakenly captured the PS3 version in SD 480p? I honestly find that very hard to believe that they were video and screen capturing at 480p.

The issue of 540p is what people have discovered is the native rendering resolution before it is upsampled to 720p. There are ways of figuring this out and they're usually quite accurate from people who have done so. So while maybe the textures are not any smaller based on your checking, that doesn't change the fact that if the game is rendered natively at 960 x 540 and then upsampled to 1280 x 720 (which a lot of games do render from lower native res and then upsampled to 720 on both the PS3 and 360).

You can have the same texture and art content wad or pak or whatever you use and still get the difference of results in visual clarity based on simply rendering at a lower res and then upsampling to 720p. That is a code difference and can be done in probably one or two lines of code which wouldn't really be shown in the art asset size or the executable size.

Honestly, you're probably doing more damage than good by saying some things that you are which can easily be picked apart. I would love it if the PS3 version was visually on par with the 360 version as that's the version I preordered, but right now I feel burned because of what you guys said about the PS3 version and then what the PS3 version turned out to be.

by JonathanArcher

15 years, 5 months ago

As long as it doesn't look like this. I'm happy.


No, but there is an Easter egg concerning one of the older games, I'll let you guys find it as not to spoil it.

by r0x0r_3d

15 years, 5 months ago

Isn't the game rendering at 960 by 540 with QAA on PS3 and 1280 by 720 2xMSAA on Xbox 360? LensofTruth bought both the PS3 and 360 versions from Play N Trade, so obviously it's the retail version, unless they're lying.

EDIT-Plus, LoT said they outputted both versions at 720p through component cable.

I am interested in this as well. What is happening on the PS3 version?!? The guys at beyond3d have confirmed the lower resolutions from both the lens of truth site as well as other sources. Skankerzero confirmed that some textures are lower resolution on the PS3. And these guys are independent so how would they get a preview copy? They picked both up at Play N Trade.

Something is just not right here. I smell a patch coming on for the PS3.

by AlbertWesker

15 years, 5 months ago

This post on Polycount from Terminal Reality's lead character artist explains why there was so drastic difference between the PS3 and 360 versions texture quality. Lens of Truth made the comparison using the pre-release copy of the game which had texture quality lowered.

Lens of Truth Ghostbusters Comparison: Not True at All