Pushing Daisies returning starting TOMORROW (May 30, 2009)

by pf4eva1

15 years, 9 months ago


ABC's brilliant-but-canceled (*egon) Pushing Daisies is finally returning for a three-week engagement on Saturday nights @ 10/9 CT on ABC to burn off the final three episodes of the tragically abbreviated show.

“Window Dressed to Kill” airs TOMORROW (May 30), “Water & Power” airs JUNE 6, and “Kerplunk” airs JUNE 13. I'm sure it will be very bittersweet and satisfying at the same time.

I can't believe I've finally been able to watch season 1 episodes on The Wb.com without that bittersweet feeling of dread in my gut. I will sorely miss this show with all my heart, but I've had some favorite shows canceled in the past (prematurely) such as “Muppets Tonight,” “Meego,” “You Wish,” “Teen Angel,” “Thanks,” and “Center of the Universe,” etc., so cancellation is nothing new to me. But it really hurts when it's a brilliant, critically-acclaimed, Emmy-winning show, and the only thing I was watching on ABC at the time.

Forget about the competition, there is none! The only competition is a L&O rerun and 48 Hours, which nobody has watched since it starred Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte. :-) (Back when Eddie Murphy was still funny!)

Where will you be tomorrow night on TV?

by pf4eva1

15 years, 9 months ago

Just a quick reminder. TONIGHT @ 10pm/9 CT on ABC is the second-to-last “Pushing Daisies” episode, “Water & Power.” Guest starring David Arquette… again.

And if you miss the show, it should be up on ABC.com tomorrow. Make sure you watch this beautiful show, because it's one of the greatest to grace the screen in a long time.