I like to think I'm a fairly reasonable man. Par for the course most of the threads here will be spoilerific and as such I've avoided most of the topics that either list “SPOILER” in their topic, as well as ones that look like they could be spoilers.
But damn it people, do you have to actually list part of a spoiler in the sodding thread title?
I would like to personally thank WSNProductions for his recent thread title, “Indiana Jones Cameo In GB: TVG”. Thanks for that.
I don't have the luxury of being able to play the game before Friday. I bet that cameo isn't even in the non 360 versions, which there'll be an even longer delay for me to play as I'm having to get my 360 copy of the game shipped in from the States. As such would it kill you guys to not list the bloody spoiler you're talking about in the thread title? Is that too unreasonable to ask?
Keep the rest of the Easter Egg talk to the The easter egg megathread!