Quality of Norm Gagnon's packs...?

by sparksmovies

23 years, 2 months ago

I'm seriously considering purchasing one of Norm's packs, considering I don't have the craftsmanship or the patience to build my own smile So…all you veterans: How good is Norm's pack? Would it be considered almost perfect? Is it weighty/sturdy? And if anyone knows of anyplace with more pictures of his packs than his facadefx site, please link me smile Thanx a bunch.


by Glycerine

23 years, 2 months ago

I ordered one from him for this past halloween (even though I didn't get to use it). And I will say that it's almost exact (if not totally exact). It's not really too heavy, and seems pretty sturdy. I'd have to say that it's probably the best quality you could buy. There are probably other people on here that'll probably say the same thing. But Norm does have a very good reputation with props.

by ecto-3

23 years, 2 months ago

Norm does build quality packs and he builds them out of whatever he can find. Great guy and if you want to see pics of his earlier packs then go to Bill Emkows old site The Ghostbusters Homepage.


I'm not sure if that link is right, if it isnt just search for it on the net under “ghostbusters homepage”

Good Luck wink