question about PC version

by Ectoman57

15 years, 6 months ago

i know, i made a topic to ask a few questions so sue me. now thats over with heres me question:

im thinking about buying the pc version since i have a wii, beat the game, beat the ds version. i want to play the realistic version but i dont wanna play with a keyboard/ mouse, my q is has anyone tried one of those adapotrs for 360/ ps3 controlers? also i can get the same experiance as the 360/ps3 versions right? they didnt cut even more scenes out of that one(just the wii)? so thanks in advance for the help guys, also has anyone tried using it on a laptop?

by Verdic

15 years, 6 months ago

As a PC Version owner I have to say I love the game and i've never had any issues with it. I'm on my second play through. However, you need to understand several things.

#1.) Have a upper end computer system. Or you will be disappointed.

#2.) The PC Version has NO Multiplayer whatsoever. If you're looking for that experience, go with the 360 version. The PS3 has alot of issues with this game and some of the proton beams charring effects don't show on the PS3 textures.

#3.) Microsoft sells a 360 Controller especially made for the PC. There's no cheapo adapter that i'm aware of.

by JodisWelch

15 years, 6 months ago

Reasonable question to me marra, so happy to help you out here.

Nothing has been cut out of single player in the PC version. All the levels and cut scenes are intact. It does not have the extra unlockable movies like the PS3 version but if you have the Blu-Ray of the movie you are not going to miss them.

Graphics wise, as long as you as you have a gaming rig PC, its the best of the three.

Obviously the multiplayer was taken out on the PC which sucks. Having fun with MP on XBL but still would have been nice to have to choice to play MP on a PC too.

As far as controls are concerned I would give the keyboard/mouse combo a try just in case you do find it better than a pad. Although I tried it and while the classic FPS aiming and shooting superiority was still there, the mouse was quite awkward when it came to slamming ghosts.

Individuals have made small bits of software to make PS3 pads work on a PC but I have not tried them as I do not have a PS3 pad to test so I'm sure the software will make the pad recognisable to Windows but can't confirm if GB:TVG will recognise it.

However X-Box 360 controllers are fully supported by the game. If you have a wired 360 controller, just plug it into an available PC USB socket, possibly need a quick driver download from MS and your good to go.

If you are like me though and only have wireless 360 pads, you'll need one of these plugged into a PC USB socket.

Pricy, but works great.

by Ghostie52

15 years, 6 months ago

I bought the Mad Catz 360 wired controller from my local Walmart for 25 bux and it works perfect. You just need to download the software from microsoft and your good to go! On the back of the box it says it supports Windows XP but it works just fine on my Vista laptop.