Question about "National Treasure"

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

Since “Tomb Raider2” didn't had any success, I was wondering, looking at the poster of “National Treasure”, if it wasn't supposed to be “Tomb Raider3”?

by doe_ray_egon1

17 years, 1 month ago

ok first off, national treasure good, tomb radier BAD, now that I've established that fact. National treasure is about clues that lead to treasure and clearing his family name with said treasure, tomb radier is hey look at AJ's nice rack. sinse the movie had no plot what so ever. and there you go. two WAY different movies.

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

NewRecruit, doubtful. Firstly given the movies were released by two different companies (Tomb Raider - Paramount, National Treasure - Disney) I wouldn't take the poster as any indication of it possibly being a former TR script given the fact the posters are created after the film is made, and with the ‘explorer/archiologist’ theme would be very similar to other properties. The National Treasure posters are quite similar to the Indiana Jones posters.

So no, I don't think National Treasure would've been Tomb Raider 3 had Cradle of Life been more successful.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

NewRecruit, doubtful. Firstly given the movies were released by two different companies (Tomb Raider - Paramount, National Treasure - Disney) I wouldn't take the poster as any indication of it possibly being a former TR script given the fact the posters are created after the film is made, and with the ‘explorer/archiologist’ theme would be very similar to other properties.

ok first off, national treasure good, tomb radier BAD, now that I've established that fact. National treasure is about clues that lead to treasure and clearing his family name with said treasure, tomb radier is hey look at AJ's nice rack. sinse the movie had no plot what so ever. and there you go. two WAY different movies.

Mhh, so there's no differences between the two movies? I mean, they're both about treasures… and the “male side” look at AJ in “TombRaider” while the “female side” look at NC in “National Treasure”. Thinking about it, I wonder if the “treasures” aren't the actor/actress themselves! :p :-)

Seriously, before they started to talk about the new “IndianaJones”, they liked to say that TR was the “female version” of that type of movie. I can understand their point but we all agree that it is not the same thing. About the “clearing his family name with said treasure”, (I don't know anything about the NT script) couldn't they have done something near that in a TR3?

The National Treasure posters are quite similar to the Indiana Jones posters.

Can you give some exemples, please? I'm realy confused here… I mean, come on, you can't beat the exemples I made above :p (*peter)

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

The ‘adventurer’ style for posters is so commonplace these days that of course they're going to look similar. If a film was going to be made for Relic Hunter, there's a good enough chance it'd share this style of depiction.

In addition, I wouldn't base the evidence of this theory on the poster design alone, especially as you mention you haven't seen the story so I'd recommend watching the movie before drawing any similarities…

Regardless of that, though… there's nothing that really says National Treasure would've/could've been a third Tomb Raider film had Cradle of Life been more successful…

I'm also more aware of NT being described as a new Indiana Jones instead of TR.

And as for the ‘clearing his family name’ bit, it's unlikely that would be used for Lara Croft.

I don't belive National Treasure would have been a third Tomb Raider movie the main reason that they're films from two competing studios.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

The ‘adventurer’ style for posters is so commonplace these days that of course they're going to look similar.

Yeah, they'll all have the hero in front of a big enlightened circle :p

In addition, I wouldn't base the evidence of this theory on the poster design alone,

Logical… but NT look soo much like a “male sequel” of TR, just becose of the poster :-)

especially as you mention you haven't seen the story so I'd recommend watching the movie before drawing any similarities…

It was a question…
hue, you always tell your opinion only from facts and not curiosity?

I'm also more aware of NT being described as a new Indiana Jones instead of TR.

Of course. But before NT, TR was compared as a “female version” of IJ.

And as for the ‘clearing his family name’ bit, it's unlikely that would be used for Lara Croft.

Why not? TR is a movie adaptation of the game, a concept they never follow at 100%.

I don't belive National Treasure would have been a third Tomb Raider movie

I think the same a bit.

the main reason that they're films from two competing studios.

And it couldn't have been a different studio because the franchise didn't receive the success they hoped for? How many concepts had their image changed because they were copyrighted or because it was better to put another kind of hero/environment instead of keeping the original concept?


Nice poster exemples that you gave here, it match the spirit of the idea, but NT is definitly more similar to TR than IJ. I'm not saying it's TR3, just the same style of design.

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

You… you're seriously drawing your conclusions based soley on the fact both posters have a circle in the background? :-O

You see, this has become a confusing topic because you started out like you were saying the film with Nick Cage was meant to be a third TR… then we deviated onto the posters and I'm not too sure which one we're concentrating on now…

I don't think the story would've worked with the TR franchise as Lara Croft's father was with the Illuminati and it seems unlikely her family, after being established as well respected in the first two films would then be depicted as having a number of its past generations labelled as loons and nutcases who chased after a mystical mythical treasure.

-Although funny trivia note, John Voight appeared as Lara Croft's father and Benjamin Gates' father in Tomb Raider and the National Treasure franchise. :p

I don't believe Paramount would've just given their script away, nor that it'd be copied with ‘some things are changed’, copyright and plagerism laws are big deals in the movie industry… and it's also very rare for a franchise to change studios.

National Treasure was not meant to be a third Tomb Raider in my mind.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

You… you're seriously drawing your conclusions based soley on the fact both posters have a circle in the background?

Like I said:

they're both about treasures…

so adventure; quest; action…

The ‘adventurer’ style for posters is so commonplace these days that of course they're going to look similar.
Yeah, they'll all have the hero in front of a big enlightened circle :p

This was a joke.

In addition, I wouldn't base the evidence of this theory on the poster design alone


you started out like you were saying the film with Nick Cage was meant to be a third TR…

if it wasn't supposed to be

it was an interrogation, not an affirmation.

To my view, NT is similar to a TR. So when I saw the poster the first time, I was shocked. Was it a “male version” of the movie? I was wondering if some people shared the same feeling…

It's one of those ideas that you can get someday, with the potential of making you blabla without the need of a double cheeseburger from BurgerKing…

by PeterVenkmen

17 years, 1 month ago

Ok…I'm lost here. Have you even SEEN the movie? I mean, drawing conclusions from a POSTER without having even seen the actual film is very narrow minded.

I don't belive National Treasure would have been a third Tomb Raider movie the main reason that they're films from two competing studios.

Well, there have been instances where the movie sequel was made by different studios. Superman 4 for instance was made by Cannon Films instead of Warner Brothers. Actually, it was co-produced by Warner Brothers but Cannon had the key rights to the film. Eventually they bought back the key rights to the film and was able to release it on DVD in 2001.

Still, I really doubt National Treasure is suppose to be Tomb Raider 3.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

Ok…I'm lost here. Have you even SEEN the movie? I mean, drawing conclusions from a POSTER without having even seen the actual film is very narrow minded.

Do you believe in UFOs, astral projection, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance… :p :-)

Still, I really doubt National Treasure is suppose to be Tomb Raider 3.

What have I done :-O

I'm gonna go kill myself :-( :-( :-(

“Death is but a door, time is but a window. I'll be back.”