DkiD Clue;164645Yes but would the insurance cover damage due to ghostbusting methods.
acouple thousand to that hotel is nothing, they make thousands every night. And who knows they probably have some type of insurance for damages?
14 years, 4 months ago
DkiD Clue;164645Yes but would the insurance cover damage due to ghostbusting methods.
acouple thousand to that hotel is nothing, they make thousands every night. And who knows they probably have some type of insurance for damages?
14 years, 4 months ago
Doctor Venkman;164651
Absolutely not.
Slimer would cost them thousands in money lost by people not staying there and their reputation would continue to plummet as a haunted hotel. Their insurance may not have covered the damages, but they could have easily repaired even thousands of dollars of damages and continued to have a great reputation, and not lose future money by having a pest problem.
14 years, 4 months ago
This. That hotel was FANCY. Nights there were in the the thousands I bet. Slimer drives off 5 people, cost more than the bust and if he does that weekly, well do the math. After the bust, $5000 plus moderate repairs in the hall (strip wallpaper and such, can be done cheap) and some furniture replacement in the ballroom, plus minor work on the walls etc probably pulled the whole cost of repairs and busting under $10000.
14 years, 4 months ago
14 years, 4 months ago