Question About XGB Proton Packs

by Arsenal

21 years, 10 months ago

I know a lot of people did not like Extreme Ghostbusters. Personally, I thought it was a decent show (much better than that Animal Transformers show)

Anyway, I am most liekly going to build props from XGB because I like the new looks of the equipment.

If I were to apply the new equipment to an updated fly suit would I be able to make a Franchise?

I've seen this question asked, but never a definitive answer.

Is there anyone who can help?

by Ghostbuster-x

21 years, 10 months ago

I left this site about 2 weeks ago but was cruising through, and came to this post and felt that i had to post. Arsenal i take it that you are from the UK like myself as you have Arsenal for a name. I think that Louis Tully is the best person to talk to, hes incharge of all franchise's GBI. but in my opinion if you want to become part of GBI you have to have the Ghostbusters original equipment. Also if you are thinking about starting a franchis in the U.K if you from the uk then talk to Kingpin or sinister and they can help. I was the founder of GBUK a franchise that was hoping and will do take of in the U.K but as i no longer come to GB.N i passed it onto Sinister and Kingpin, but to be honest with you im starting to miss GBN.

Anyway i hope i helped

by Arsenal

21 years, 10 months ago

Actually, I'm from New York, Arsenal is just a favorite comic book character, and I use his code name for everything.

I just happen to like the new looks better and I have a lot of stuff at my house already that I can use.

I think the new packs are more modern looking.

I also have plans to eventually make an EGB Trap.

I'll E-Mail Louis Tully after I have all my equiptment created, unless he sees this first.

I didn't see a Long Island Ghostbusters so I was hoping I'd be able to start one.

by Mat

21 years, 10 months ago

someone actually liked the new gear? dude! (what am I talking about, I've never seen the new gear..heh, I've just heard a lot of interesting comments about it)

by Sinister

21 years, 10 months ago

The new gear was actually pretty cool, though it took the emphasis away of them being scientists, (which they werent in EGB) and made them into heroes, which they were in EGB….

by Arsenal

21 years, 10 months ago

I think the EGB Packs are more steamline and modern looking…But then, it does take place after RGB so it would have to look more up to date.

I think that Egon, Peter, Ray and Winston would probably use these packs instead of the old ones had they not stopped being Ghostbusters.

But I could be wrong.

by Chadderbox

21 years, 10 months ago

i am going to make both old and new equipment (i also love the new stuff) so i would also like to know if you can be in a franchise with the new stuff please tell me when you find out

by LouisTully

21 years, 10 months ago

Ghostbusters International doesn't issue plans for the XGB version of the proton packs with the franchise kits.

The original proton pack was found to be more reliable (if perhaps a little less powerful) than its souped up XGB counterpart.

The XGB pack plans are VERY hard to find, and the parts hard to lay hands on. That's why GBI recommends the original version of the proton pack.

Will GBI turn you down if you have XGB packs? No. If you can make 'em work, more power to you!

by Arsenal

21 years, 10 months ago

Thanks for the reply.

Hopefully sometime in the near future I'll be able to make the world safer by eliminating spooks, spectres and ghosts

by Sinister

21 years, 10 months ago

What I believe would be a great way of developing plans for an EGB pack would be to take an EGB proton pack toy, and note down the basic parts, shapes. Then you would need to convert them into a real scale, one that is closer to the original packs… To accomplish the full feal… Next you would obviously have to tone down the colours, make them less primary.