Questions about Stay Puft

by Mario

22 years, 11 months ago

I have a few questions about Stay Puft:

Why didn't J. Edgar Hoover attack New York instead of Stay Puft?

Why did Stay Puft suddenly appear?

After the Ghostbusters shot him, did he grow or did he start climbing the building?

Can the roof support his weight?

Is his hat made of Marshmallows?

by drugasbuster

22 years, 11 months ago

abuot j.edgar hoovert, you may br right, yes, hes made of marshmallows, yes, he started climbing, and he appeared because Ray was thinking of him, and no, i dont think that building coud support his weight…

by Mario

22 years, 11 months ago

I meant did he suddenly appear out of thin air, or did he just crawl out of the earth.

by Jay_Tigran

22 years, 11 months ago

I think he materialized outa thin air. Only real explanation cuz they made no refrence to a hole in the ground

by thePizzaMaster

22 years, 11 months ago

Stay Puft was orginally supposed to rise out of the water nest to the Statue of Liberty but they lacked the time and the technology (hey, it was the 80's) to complete it.

by Mario

22 years, 11 months ago

Interesting to know, how did you find out that he came out of the water?

by Mario

22 years, 11 months ago

I have another question:

If Stay Puft can fit perfectly in the containment unit, why did they have trouble stuffing Mr. Ugly(poltergiest that absorbed Slimer) in the containmment unit?

by OptimusConvoy

22 years, 11 months ago

Stay Puft is made of Mashmallow….he could probably be squished and pulled and stuff…..and at that point maybe they needed more space

by drugasbuster

22 years, 11 months ago

wait a second, you gotta nice questio there, coul they get the ecto uot of the marshmallow and trap it in the containmet unit, they did it in rgb with some possesed artifacts and in egb with that ecto seed, what was its name?, i dont recall, buy kylie call it kuya (but it was a mistake)…

by DocEggman

22 years, 11 months ago

Well, as I recall, nobody actually thought of J. Edgar Hoover while they were choosing the destructor.

Between the wrong grammar and the overlong signature lines, this thread isn't that easy on the eyes.