Questions and Comments about my Ecto-1a Replica

by TheEcto1a

23 years, 4 months ago

There have been several comments about my Ecto-1a replica, so I figured I'd post and see if I could address some them for the benefit of everyone..

1. Yes, its a 1959 Miller Meteor Cadillac Ambulance. (Same Year, Make and Model as used in the movie) The conversion was started by the previous owner. My Wife and I have been working on it since we purchased the car to make it more accurate. (Almost 3 years now, and several Thousand Hours of work). The car was essentially a shell when the project was started. So the conversion saved this car from the crusher.

2. There are still LOTS of changes to be made to the car. We need to add more lights, I'm replacing the last 2 lights bars that have not been worked on yet with more accurate bars. We are also working on equipement for the roof, and additional interior appointments..

3. The car Runs and Drives well. But Its too big to use as a Daily Driver. (The car is over 21 feet Long, almost a full 8 feet wide, and darn near 8 and a Half Feet tall without the Sat Dish. It also Weighs more than 10,000 pounds. Think Ford Excursion sizes, without all the fancy new technology to make it easy to drive) We do take it to shows whenever schedules allow. In fact, we are going to a Halloween Event with it tonight.

4. The Side signs are currently Backlit with Neon tubes. The main reason I do not have the Scrolling LED message signs on the car yet is COST. According to my Sources, the signs on the Ecto-1a in the movie cost the studio over $25,000 to have made. Also, the movie versions didnt have to be weatherproof or even self contained. (They could have been run from inside the car, or even run via cable from somewhere not on the car depending on the scene) For me to do those signs, Which I WILL do at some point, I have to find a more cost effective solution. So far, the best offer I've found to do the signs will run me a bit over $6000 PER SIGN. So if any of you all want to give me the $15,000 to have them built and shipped, I'll get them right on there. smile

Pretty much what I need for the signs, is a Self contained, weatherproof, programmable sign. That fits into an Existing space, isnt too thick, runs off of 12 volts, and can be programmed from a Laptop. Which if you put it all together adds up to a seriously custom project. If I can find a supplier to get me what I need for a more reasonable price then It will be done. Until then, I have to suffer with the backlit signs.. (Which really isnt such a bad deal)

I appreciate all of the comments and questions.. If you all have any additional questions, feel free to ask.. smile I should also have more Photos coming soon..



23 years, 4 months ago

very exciting. Your great detail of explaination was almost as good as seeing pictures of it….ALMOST! Cant wait to see the photos.

matthew sturm

by Ectoman

23 years, 4 months ago

Dean loves typing.

by ghostbusta27

23 years, 4 months ago

I absolutely love your conversion of the Ecto-1A.


by d_osborn

23 years, 4 months ago

ecto1a….i love the car. looks very acurate…i did notice you do not have the red step up rear bumper like in the movie, but i do like the looks of yours better. i just saw the pics on backs site about what has happened to the original ecto 1/1a…just wondering what you thought about it.

by Ectoman

23 years, 4 months ago

There's 89 more pictures of the Ecto's in their horrible state at The Ghostbusters Prop Archive

by Dr.Venkman

23 years, 4 months ago

Your car looks amazing. You certainly have a lot of patience to do this.

Can't wait for some more pics! smile

by d_osborn

23 years, 4 months ago

ectoman….all looked all through your site and can't find the pics. even though i'll probably end up in a puddle of tears, i would like to see these pics. where are they located on your site.

by Dougbuster

23 years, 4 months ago

Great ride Ecto. The quality shows that you and your wife have put in a lot of effort and hard work. Way to go!

by Ectoman

23 years, 4 months ago

Click here and click on Ecto-1 or Ecto-1a