Questions and Comments about my Ecto-1a Replica

by TheEcto1a

23 years, 4 months ago

Thanks for all of the comments.. smile I do enjoy sharing the car with everyone.. (Its no fun keeping it locked in the garage away from everyone)

We decided to keep the factory bumper on the car. Fabricating a Diamond plate rear step isnt a problem really, but making a rear step fit properly would require modifying the back of the car, and I'm not really willing to cut into the car at this point.

As to my thoughts about the Movie cars.. If they become available I would be more than happy to give them a good home. I hate to see them sitting there neglected like they are, but I can understand some of the reasons that the studio is keeping them. Its purely a business decision, and while I dont always agree, I do understand that we cant change it..


by d_osborn

23 years, 4 months ago

i don't blame you for not wanting to butcher the car up for the other bumper. i always thought the original looked better. i restore old cars as a hobby. (2 71 GTOs, 46 Chevy p/u, 56 Ford p/u) your car looks very well done. i bet you get all of the attention at the shows you enter, being so unique and all. I'M JEALOUS!!!! I WANT AN ECTO 1A!!!!

by SavannahGB

23 years, 4 months ago

Hey ectoman, i clicked on those links but i got error messages. Whats are the
right links?

by BoHolbrook

23 years, 4 months ago

Here's some legit questions,
I've noticed you've customized the interior heavily from it's original interior. I was wondering how you went about ripping out that huge bench seat in the front and putting in those bucket seats and that console.

And speaking of the constole what are those small vent pipes on it? Is that for air conditioning?


23 years, 4 months ago

great car, u must have a blast riding around in that thing, you lucky person you. smile

by back

23 years, 4 months ago

well dean i just betcha that you were waiting for me to stick my head into this i love it, and only due to finacial difficulties in finding the correct scroll bars youve done an awsome job! it is THE Copycat of ECTO-135, and you know it. i dont belive if i asked you this yet, but did you ever end up installing that digital siren that you were talking about?
im gone.

by TheEcto1a

23 years, 4 months ago


Actually, this car started out as an empty shell destined for the crusher.. We didnt have to rip anything out. The Factory interior was gone long before we got it.. The Previous owner had buckets in the car, so we just modified the frames and replaced them with better buckets… And Yes, those square grilles are AC. We live in the desert, so we stashed a commercial AC unit in the car.. (Out of a Brand New ambulance actually..) We now have Front and rear air..


I'm still working on the digital siren.. I dont quite have the Tone correct yet.. To say its been a painful process is an understatement.. Although someday, I WILL Have the proper sire on my car. wink


by BoHolbrook

23 years, 3 months ago

Hey, I remember seeing your car for sale by the previous owner long ago. The website is still around hang on lemme dig it up….

Aw Dang it's gone, The page was at the old server. If that's the guy you bought it from i could have sworn he had Bench seats in it. Did he strip it out before he sold it to you?

by Ectoman

23 years, 3 months ago

I have those pics on my site, from before Dean bought it..

Check it out in a few weeks.. when the site relaunches..

by TheEcto1a

23 years, 3 months ago

It had 3 bucket seats in the front, and 2 buckets in the back when we got it. Its got a proper 2 front/2 rear now. The seats in the rear are the ones that came with the car when we bought it. We unbolted them, redid the interior and then bolted them back in. Pretty much everything else inside the car was changed..

You may have been thinking about a low shelf behind the front seats that there was a computer sitting on. It was the remains of the partition between the front and rear.. That has been rebuilt into a more proper partition now.. (That's about the only thing that I can think of that was close to a bench.)

