besides from the demo…having nothing else to download on the gaming networks is really disappointing, given the fact that every game gets some kind of love but it seems like Ghostbusters isnt…especially for a game that was suppose to be released last October
would you rather they put effort into a demo, thus pushing back the release further, or just work on the game?
There have been demos at CONs and what-not, I know. But I and many others have only witnessed these from the internets via youtube, ign, etc…
I understand your frustration, but that doesn't mean you have to fly off the handle.
When is the damn demo coming out?! Where the trailers on Live/ PS store?! the game is 4 weeks out and nothing at all…i think thats pretty lame on Atari's end…
Not necessary.
is that hard to put the Ghostbusters logo gamerpic to download for my Xbox Live account…i mean really…c'mon
Also not necessary.