Quick question for Skankerzero or anyone else who knows

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

i wonder if you"ll HAVE to upgrade your equipments or if you can revisit old levels with upgraded equipments???

Would surprise me if you couldn't.

Although: I would like the ability to choose which upgrades you want.

EX: I want a challenge so I'm going to reset my gear and start over.


I just want to bust without really trying so MAX lvl gear to go please!

But I'm not sure how that would work out…

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

As far as the main upgrades are concerned I seem to remember hearing somewhere (may not be the case and may have been someone’s opinion…I cannot remember at this moment in time) that the major upgrades are forced onto you at the beginning of the appropriate levels where you will need them free of charge so to speak. What you spend your money on is minor tweaks to those upgrades…essentially upgrades of the upgrades.

As far as revisiting old levels, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a “new game plus” function…

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 9 months ago

Would surprise me if you couldn't.

Although: I would like the ability to choose which upgrades you want.

EX: I want a challenge so I'm going to reset my gear and start over.


I just want to bust without really trying so MAX lvl gear to go please!

But I'm not sure how that would work out…

Thats what i wanna do…run through the whole game with just the proton pack and no upgrades to it.

As far as the main upgrades are concerned I seem to remember hearing somewhere (may not be the case and may have been someone’s opinion…I cannot remember at this moment in time) that the major upgrades are forced onto you at the beginning of the appropriate levels where you will need them free of charge so to speak. What you spend your money on is minor tweaks to those upgrades…essentially upgrades of the upgrades.

As far as revisiting old levels, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a “new game plus” function…

i see what your saying…i believe they give you the slime blower, stasis beam and dark matter upgrades then its up to the player to want to upgrade those specific equipments themselves…that could work for me.

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

i see what your saying…i believe they give you the slime blower, stasis beam and dark matter upgrades then its up to the player to want to upgrade those specific equipments themselves…that could work for me.

I belive you are correct.

I remember seeing a video somewhere of someone receiving the slime thrower upgrade to his pack…

The first thing he did? Slime Egon. (*egon)

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

Thats what i wanna do…run through the whole game with just the proton pack and no upgrades to it.

You likely wouldn't get too far without at least needing the Slime Tether, you wouldn't be able to get past the blocked staircase in the Stay Puft level without it.

I belive you are correct.

I remember seeing a video somewhere of someone receiving the slime thrower upgrade to his pack…

The first thing he did? Slime Egon. (*egon)


by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

You likely wouldn't get too far without at least needing the Slime Tether, you wouldn't be able to get past the blocked staircase in the Stay Puft level without it.

It's called a minimal items run.

Like with Zelda.

You ONLY get the items you need to get past.(Bow, boomerang.) and NOTHING else, and ONLY use them when you need to use them.

It's actually alot of fun!

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

It's called a minimal items run.

I know, but I was just telling Anderson that it would be pretty much impossible with no upgrades whatsoever.

by Dakera

15 years, 9 months ago

I know, but I was just telling Anderson that it would be pretty much impossible with no upgrades whatsoever.

I see your point..

But stop poking me with it.

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

But stop poking me with it.

Dang, there goes another job perk.

by Anderson-GB

15 years, 9 months ago

I know, but I was just telling Anderson that it would be pretty much impossible with no upgrades whatsoever.

I believe the Slime Tether is the secondary fire to the Slime Blower so obviously thats gonna come with it. When i say no upgrades, im referring to not upgrading the equipment that the game automatically gives you…