Quick question for Skankerzero or anyone else who knows

by ScottSommer

15 years, 9 months ago

You know, me and a friend were having a conversation about that a few days ago…I thought he wasn't allowed to record that song any longer due to the lawsuit from Huey Lewis and the News back in the 80's over this song.

Parker was accused of plagiarizing the melody from Huey Lewis and the News song “I Want a New Drug” for his 1984 #1 hit theme to Ghostbusters, released only six months after Lewis' hit reached #6 in the Billboard Hot 100. This ended with Lewis suing Parker, and the pair settled out of court in 1985. Nonetheless, Parker's success continued as the song secured him a 1984 Grammy Award for Best Pop Instrumental Performance.

They returned to court once again in 2001, as Parker sued Lewis for breaching a confidentiality agreement forming part of their original out of court settlement which prohibited either side from speaking about it publicly. Lewis had implied in a VH1 Behind The Music special that Parker had paid a financial settlement as part of the original agreement.

They reached an agreement and they still kept the song.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

wikipedia ftw?

Was just curious. Like I said the question was relevent to a conversation a day or two ago.

by demonaz

15 years, 9 months ago

I wonder if the Ghostbusters song haunts (NO PUN) Lewis in his sleep to this day!

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

but…then who would he call to bust it…

by Andreas

15 years, 9 months ago

Did someone say that Ray Parker rerecorded the song for the game? Or am I getting this mixed up with those interviews that said he WANTED to rerecord it?

Ray Parker Jr. "resang it, so the vocal you hear in the videogame is only five or six years old. It's not 25 years old. But you can't tell the difference." source (*peter)

by Whisk

15 years, 9 months ago

it is about ghostbusters hq.
it is a fact, that they were using 2 location to make the look for the hq!
hooks and ladder 8 fire company in ny for the exterior shootings and an other (similar) firestation in l.a. for the interior shootings!

maybe thats why i allways felt that the interior is bigger that the exterior can handle!
o.k., in an movie u can do it with certain camera-angles or something, but how about in an videogame with a realtime 3d object?????

you cheat it with a load screen. Upon entering building, load screen, then it loads the interior. Or maybe it loads upon entering a room…or a different floor, such as a basement.

if the object is realtime, the interior has to fit inside the shell of the exterior, but you can also cheat it depending on the viewing angle from the outside. For example, if you cant see the back of the building from the outside, the artist may have more room to play with.

you'll be surprised how many “cheats” there are many creating a game environment.

I dont know how they did it for ghostbusters but my assumption is the player will not be able to exit or enter the firehouse at anytime like GTA. Though the library demo is a good example of being able to enter the building from the outside so who knows!

by Kingpin

15 years, 9 months ago

I've merged this with the existing one as there didn't seem to be need for two of them.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 9 months ago

Ray Parker Jr. "resang it, so the vocal you hear in the videogame is only five or six years old. It's not 25 years old. But you can't tell the difference." source (*peter)

WOW, I didn´t knew the whole resang it thing… I hope it sounds just like the old one, I don´t want a new version of the same song, no matter it is by RPJr himself.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

you'll be surprised how many “cheats” there are many creating a game environment.

Best example of that I can think of off of the top of my head is Stormwind Castle in Stormwind City from World of Warcraft. When they originally made the city they cheated with the castle (since the player really never gets close to it) The Castle itself is essentially just a 2D pixel image turned into a 3D facade with no back (or top for that matter) to it so as long as you are unable to get to places the character don’t go under normal circumstances (such as behind the castle) where they are not meant they wouldn’t know the difference

by skankerzero

15 years, 9 months ago

I want some tomato basil soup.

I'm so sleepy…