"GB 3 movie rigths sold...!"

by BackInBlack

20 years, 3 months ago

:-) (*peter) Yo, Ghostheads I am announcing that I have recently got news that Sony pic. and Columbia Pictures have sold the rigths to make GB3 to Dreamworks. Please replie with new info! :-) :p (*peter) (*flame)

by jay_tigran1

20 years, 3 months ago

where did you get this info from???

by d_osborn

20 years, 3 months ago

…and i'm announcing that this is probably the same jack-ass that has been posting false GB3 info on GBHQ. sony simply wouldn't “sell off” ANY GB3 copyrights.

by EgonsBabe

20 years, 3 months ago

It is. I've read though all his posts at HQ, and it's him. I can tell by his typing style, and it's the same freakin' subject for the love of Pete(Venkman)! (*janine) :p (*egon)

by Kingpin

20 years, 3 months ago

This guy's typography is the same, look how he requests for ‘replie with new info’, also look at his use of emoticons, completely and utterly inappropriate towards the topic subject, he's just using them because he can. Besides, he has no proof of such a claim, if something like this had happened it would either be kept under wraps or officially announced, pay ‘Back in Black’ no attention, he's the one and only Ray_Stanz who spammed Ghostbusters HQ and insulted Troy here.

Someone, please lock this topic.