Hank, awesome… awesome work.
Your had a lot of hype riding on this, and it lived up to expectations.
Random comments:
I loved how the Mayan Theatre made its own cameo appearance as one of the major busts.
That shot of the damaged and smoke-clogged Denver skyline was beautiful.
The Ecto, as well as the cannon were great. A cool vehicle and an awesome weapon… I loved that whole sequence.
Ron Vischer definately seemed to have a lot of fun as Constantin… a nice memorable villain. :p
Lisa was great in the Janine Melnitz-like role.
Full props to Jon Vandergriff for working in so many cues from Bernstein's work from
Ghostbusters, it flowed really nicely and helped set a lot of the mood.
Special effects, awesome… especially the ‘dragon’ and the zombie.
Great job all around, well done.