"Transformers" Animated Series

by CrimsonGhostbuster

14 years, 3 months ago

Over the past few weeks I've been watching the entire “Transformers” animated series. Overall it had some pretty high points, as well as some low points. There was a lot of individual character development in the beginning, but in my opinion, I'm pretty sure that down the road Hasbro wanted to introduce too many characters to sell more toys. At some points it was just like, “Who the hell is that?!” where new characters are in the background without any sort of story of how the hell they got there.

The “Headmasters” probably had to be the lowest point of the series and probably what killed it. It was just a stupid concept with really awful characters and served no purpose whatsoever except to sell more toys, which sucked. I hated the Headmasters and the Targetmasters and never wanted them as a kid.

Anyways… anyone else feel the same way?

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 3 months ago

My biggest problem with the original series (which I assume you are talking about) was how consistant the writing was. I know back then, story wasn't really that important…but the people who watched that show back when it aired grew up and are STILL trying to figure some of it out (like me.)

by CrimsonGhostbuster

14 years, 3 months ago

I didn't really have any problems with the consistancy, although I do find that they used Alpha Trion as an explanation for freakin' everything the Autobots did. I can see why they would have to go through all the different writers to keep it fresh and interesting when you have to highlight about 30 characters and then all new ones the following season.

I really hated Warpath's use of interjections and Seaspray's “bubbley” voice.

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 3 months ago

The biggest inconsistency that bugged me the most was the Constructicons. In Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4 when Rodimus Prime goes into the Matrix of Leadership, he sees a vision of Megatron's creation by eight Constructicons. Ok, that's fine; but in 1984, the Constructicons showed up again on Earth where it is greatly implied that Megatron created them.

A person trying to figure out the correct chain of events can easily be confused seeing as how the events portrayed in the series go as follows: The Constructicons built Megatron, left the Decepticons, built the Crystal City, were Smashed back into Decepticons, and were built by Megatron on Earth. Even if Megatron's implication of “building” them just meant that he “rebuilt” them, there is a flashback in that showed them anachronistically already in their Earthen Vehicle forms, so what would he have rebuilt them into?

Could be an animation error (most likely considering that Five Faces of Darkness pentalogy is notorious for poor art, animation quality and inconsistencies such as what I named above). Could be a story oversight (also likely). Either way, it's an inconsistency that has bugged me for years. Imagine trying to explain the origins of both Megs and the Constructicons to your girlfriend who has passing knowledge of the Transformers.