"You're not sleeping with it are you Ray?"

by Dmasterman

13 years, 4 months ago

Remember the scene where Ray and Egon show Peter and Winston the mood slime in GB 2?

So what did Venkman mean by this?

Did he mean Ray was sleeping with it sexually

Pete does call him a ‘hound’ and Winston remarks “It's always the quiet ones”

Or did he mean Ray slept next to it the way a parent would with it's child, after all Ray said they were trying to be nice and nurturing to it.

Either way Ray was ashamed.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 4 months ago

Yes, he meant sexually. That would be why Venkman called him a “hound” and Winston said “Always the quiet ones.”

Those comments wouldn't make sense if Ray was sleeping with it like a parent sleeps with a child.

These are the jokes that when you're young, they go over your head, but then they make you think twice when you're older.

by gbfan11

13 years, 4 months ago

WOW!!! shocked

by Nix

13 years, 4 months ago

Doctor Venkman;172986
Yes, he meant sexually. That would be why Venkman called him a “hound” and Winston said “Always the quiet ones.”

Those comments wouldn't make sense if Ray was sleeping with it like a parent sleeps with a child.

Or else the others just have dirty minds.Ray StantzEgon Spengler

by spengs1

13 years, 4 months ago

I always thought Winston's line, “It's always the quiet ones” had to do when about the same moment Egon (Harold) passed gas for real. “That's what I heard!” - Venkman (Ghostbusters) Then again it could have been the “mood slime” gurggling/simmering down in the beaker.

I could be totally wrong, thats how I've interpreted that dialogue and moment since I was 12. Er disclaimer of sorts: Admittedly I haven't watched GB2 in way too long and I don't think I've ever read the novel or script.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 4 months ago

I always thought Winston's line, “It's always the quiet ones” had to do when about the same moment Egon (Harold) passed gas for real. “That's what I heard!” - Venkman (Ghostbusters) Then again it could have been the “mood slime” gurggling/simmering down in the beaker.

I could be totally wrong, thats how I've interpreted that dialogue and moment since I was 12. Er disclaimer of sorts: Admittedly I haven't watched GB2 in way too long and I don't think I've ever read the novel or script.

Haha, I love the types of things we think when we're kids. Yea, that's definitely mood slime bubbling. Egon didn't fart, haha. What a great interpretation from an innoncent 12 year old mind though!

The others may have dirty minds, but the way Ray reacts and doesn't answer the question definitely lends credence to the “Yes, he's sleeping with it sexually” joke.

by Nix

13 years, 4 months ago

As for me, the way I read the line “You're not sleeping with it” was, he'd taken to putting a spoonful or two of it into his Stay-Puft doll.

Somehow, that explanation's funnier.

by spengs1

13 years, 4 months ago

Doctor Venkman;173020
Haha, I love the types of things we think when we're kids. Yea, that's definitely mood slime bubbling. Egon didn't fart, haha. What a great interpretation from an innoncent 12 year old mind though!

The others may have dirty minds, but the way Ray reacts and doesn't answer the question definitely lends credence to the “Yes, he's sleeping with it sexually” joke.

Yeah definitely didn't understand the mature humor in either GB (although I was 6 when I originally saw it) or Ghostbusters II at 12 years old. I grew up an only child with eiter younger cousins then me or way older. Watching either film as I grew up and certainly as an adult and understanding the mature humor made both films a little more enjoyable. 8)

by EgonSpengler86

13 years, 4 months ago

Actually, Egon's the one that slept with the slime. You can tell by the ashamed look on his face when Peter asks that.

by Dmasterman

13 years, 4 months ago

You have to remember GB2 was more kid friendly so adult humor that was more present in the first one wasn't seen as much. It really could've meant that ray & egon were cuddling with it