Caramie Schnell: Any chance of a third Ghostbusters?
Harold Ramis: The chance is slim. I would say the bigger question is, is there a chance for a third Ghostbusters that involved me, Dan and Bill? That seems slim to me. Danny's kept it alive forever. He's the one that originated the whole thing in the first place. We've talked to Columbia about doing a fully and digitally animated Ghostbusters and that's another possibility. The only thing I know for sure is there is a video game coming out that Danny and I are going to do the voices for. So that'll be fun.
CS: When will that happen?
HR: We haven't recorded yet, but they've showed me all the animations for the game and the game settings and the characters. It's all in the works now. I guess it's a long development period on games and very expensive - they invest a lot of money in these things.
Hmmm…So they've already done some animations and game settings…
And a possible CG film too, as opposed to Dan saying just a game.