Ramis on GB3 /new stuff, but don't get too excited/

by MyMaster

22 years, 1 month ago


Probably every ghosthead would love to see the old gang, but the reality is…“a different cup of tea”. Honestly I would like to see a new GB movie even if Dan and the rest would be behind camera (as writers, producers, directors) this time.


by Grimlock

22 years, 1 month ago

if Bill Murray doesn't want to come back for anything more than a cameo then so be it. have him happily married to Dana now and retired from Ghostbusting. someone like John Goodman would make an great Ghostbuster.

by Ghostbusters

22 years, 1 month ago

Who cares if the original GB only have cameos or if they aren't even in it, who are we to say a sequel without them would suck, if there ever is to be a third movie we won't know if it's rubbish until we have seen it, new GBs may be a good thing or bad thing, we won't know until we see the movie!

by deadderek

22 years, 1 month ago

MyMaster, what starship troopers direct to video are you talking about? When did it come out?

by twinswin91

22 years, 1 month ago

NO WAY it's either the original cast or nothing !!!! If everyone remembers Blues Brothers 2000,that movie sucked. And John Goodman didn't help it :l(

by Proton_slinger

22 years, 1 month ago

If they had to make GB3 with a new team, they should make it so that at the end of the movie the new team gets into trouble and the original busters come and save the day one last time.
I think that would be kool…….what do you all think??

by DrSlimer

22 years, 1 month ago

I hope that's a good sign for GB3. I really wanna see it happen one way or the other. And to all the guys, who have comments about how GB3 should be like (I had some comments too) I'm afraid, that our opinion on this wont matter much. If it would, GB3 and maybe even GB4 would be in my DVD collection by now.

by MyMaster

22 years, 1 month ago

about stt2, try moviehole (like http://www.moviehole.net/news.php?newsid=812 among other news) for details. it's not availble yet, but it has just got greenlight and will be filmed this year as hdtv


by GhostTrek

22 years, 1 month ago

I hop there is gb 3 but the trueth is gb1 may be re-made

by MasterSpider

22 years, 1 month ago

*sigh* Until you see an article about Bill Murray giving up the rights he owns to the franchise, leave it in it's grave…