Ramis on GB3 /new stuff, but don't get too excited/

by Zack

22 years, 1 month ago

If I may be so bold, I will guarantee you right now, Ghostbusters will NEVER be remade with a new cast. You probably meant rerelease. :O A new cast would be unimaginably horrible.


by PenguinKing

22 years, 1 month ago

you're right this shows that gb3 is not dead. but it is in a comma, all you can here is *beep*……………..*beep*………………..*beep*………….errrrrrrrrrrrrr then a loyal fan yelling *quick get a doctor in here* then the doctor yelling *cleare* and once again the steady *beep*…………………..*beep*……………..*beep*

don't get me wrong i still have hope.

by MasterSpider

22 years, 1 month ago

Zack, I hope your right, but I've seen some terrible remakes that come along to make a quick buck. Avengers, anyone? Yech. All it takes is aging and the idea of a remake doesn't sound that bad to all our spoiled great grand children LOL…

by Zack

22 years, 1 month ago

hehe I know. Like I've seen in a few other threads with people that actually wanted a remake. Take the same movie with the already perfect cast with people that fit the roles and defined the characters perfectly and screw it up? lol |


by GBFreak

22 years, 1 month ago

It might not be dead. . .yet. We should see what 2004 will bring us. It may be surprising.

by evil_toaster

22 years, 1 month ago

We should all just wait and see. Too much discussion can cause a racket amongst the ghostheads, and it's not healthy.

What is interesting is to see information like Tomrayhall's thread. Now THAT's news.

…or complete and utter bull.

by Proton_slinger

22 years, 1 month ago

don't know if you guys saw this………
so I thought I would post it anyways.

by flamebuster

22 years, 1 month ago

I would love new guys that dont get bailed out by the original gbs but sign up after they see a help wanted sign. Will smith, jhon leguizamo, and talisa soto(princess kitana, mortal kombat) would be great. :d :s :O :0

by Ghostbusters213

22 years, 1 month ago

GB3 starring…. that´s the question.
will Smith, sounds good, John Leguizamo… I think Pauly Shore would be a better ghosthead, uh? Talina Soto… I love her, and sounds fascinating too. I wish all the old GB staff would be there, Aykroyd, Ramis, Murray, Hudson, Potts and, of course, Moranis.
see ya in the future… GB3 is seeing possible.


by mikeVenkman

22 years, 1 month ago

GB3 will not be succesfull if it tries to bring new, younger actors. It will meet the same fate as extreme ghostbusters. I hope Dan and the rest of the gang can realize this and take their rightful place as the main stars in the movie. Hopefully with this new revival more attention will shower the franchise and motivate and grease the wheels of Sony Pictures.