Ramis on GB3 /new stuff, but don't get too excited/

by GhostTrek

22 years, 1 month ago

j-lo is good actor but ghostbusters not like
movies she had befor actoed befor
she is hot


22 years, 1 month ago

i still don't think you guy see it from a proper view. Look at it from a movie companies view, and write it from there. Not from your or a Ghostheads' view.

by GhostTrek

22 years, 1 month ago

It will come out some us are flim maker I Think. I am not flim maker but some day I will be.
And re-make Ghostbusters1&2 maybe 3 if it come out and more like me it will come out it not going have name ghostbuster3 maybe but it will be ghostbusters3 still :s :d

ps ghost busters needs new tv show more storyes and more fans like us

by Zack

22 years, 1 month ago

flim maker? LOL :d sorry. Ok I'm gonna go now.


by GB3

22 years, 1 month ago

Why would John Goodman be a Ghostbuster? I don't think Sony or the cast/talent behind the camera would even think of this. He won't mean a thing to the movie overall. For what purpose? He falls into the area of aged actors who is the same age to Ackroyd and Ramis, etc. So why would he be in GB3? Its not in the direction the so called story that they had devised even fits John Goodman. The whole idea is to get a new younger cast and Goodman won't be in that category. Besides I'd rather he not even try to be a new replacement character over Peter Venkman. Just let the other GB's be in it as Peter (leaving him with Dana is just fine) was the skeptic and joined the ride and passion Egon and Ray showed for the paranormal. Winston as always will join the guys. So thats my thought on that.

by Ecto1A97

22 years ago

OK, 1 Blues Brothers 2000 didn't suck!! AND John Goodman is a great actor. and 2, i heard that's it's gonna be like EGB with new proton packs and things IF they do make it.

by MyMaster

22 years ago

Guys I don't want to trash your dreams but there's no way Sony-Boy will put 100 m. bucks into a movie starring Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and even Bill Murray nowadays. The old team is great, super and so on, we all know it, B-U-T the reality is these are the big megastars of the 80. (early 90. if You really wanna) and now it's 2003!

The “geting old” joke would be funny for some of us, but for non-ghostheads it would be really sad and embarassing to see these completely changed (Harold I told You to stop eating cookies!) old guys going around and busting ghosts (ghosts of the glorious past?!?). I'm afraid that a typical 15-y old boy doesn't wanna see kind of a “grumpy old ghostbusters” movie.

I know - harsh words - but it's true. :u :f

Hollywood doesn't work like that.

Sad but true: No new gb = no chances for a new movie.

(with a big lonely tear in his eye)

by MyMaster

22 years ago

no new ghostbusters (like egb) = no new movie

by drugasbuster

22 years ago

ive always said that a gb3 movie should be made, but i wouldnt like a remake of gb1, no way!!!! :l(

by MyMaster

22 years ago

I say it can happen as a movie with a new cast and old gand in nothing more as extended cameo…