Ramis on Ghostbusters 3: “Plans to Shoot Next Summer and Release in 2011”

by batman2

15 years, 2 months ago

Ramis on Ghostbusters 3: “Plans to Shoot Next Summer and Release in 2011”

Here comes the Ghostbusters question: What’s up with part three?

Something’s going to happen. Dan did write a spec GB3 screenplay a few years ago, but no one was motivated to pursue it. Now, 25 years after the original, there seems to be some willingness to proceed and apparently a substantial public appetite for a sequel. We’ll introduce some new young Ghostbusters, and all the old guys will be in it, too. Think Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future … GB3 is progressing with plans to shoot next summer and release in 2011 … Oh, and I have two one-of-a-kind Ghostbuster yarmulkes sent by fans.


by sandmanfvr

15 years, 2 months ago

Was about to post this. Great news.

by RickyM

15 years, 2 months ago

lol egon will need a total makeover if he's to make a comeback to the big screen lol, he looks like he has been living really ruff in that pic

by 9sam11

15 years, 2 months ago

Yea because over the course of 25 years peoples physical appearance doesn't change at all…

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 2 months ago

Yea because over the course of 25 years peoples physical appearance doesn't change at all…

Just shave the beard and he'll look fine.

by 9sam11

15 years, 2 months ago

Beard is legit. Makes him look distinguished. I don't understand why everyone is bitching about things like that.

by HannibalKing

15 years, 2 months ago

“he looks like he has been living really ruff in that pic”

Hey hey, be nice to Egon. An average of 14 minutes of sleep a day can do that to you.

On a serious note and I know its been suggested before, I say he keep the hair and beard. As was said, makes him look like a crazy scientist and if he's gonna compare the old group in GB3 to Doc Brown in BTTF, he might as well go the distance.

by leapyear29

15 years, 2 months ago

Ghostbusters 3 is coming October 31st 2009 and it will&#65279; feature all of your favourite with a twist. It'll be computer graphic.<<what i've heard but it's 2012 already..

by fusi0n1

15 years, 2 months ago

Can't wait!

I think Ramis looks fine.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 2 months ago

Ghostbusters 3 is coming October 31st 2009 and it will&#65279; feature all of your favourite with a twist. It'll be computer graphic.<<what i've heard but it's 2012 already..

… what… what the hell are you talking about?