I've read over a few posts that regard the comic and being able to get it, and I've posted in almost all of them.. One thing that I've noticed is that in some it still remains where the person has NEITHER a local shop OR online ordering as an option (be that through parents, or other circumstances). I know some have said things like “go to e-bay” or “get a subsciption online”, but both of those seem to fall into the online ordering category. For some reason, I can't propose an actual solution to the problem on that one. I myself might be one who suffers through that ordeal once the comic comes out, and then again I might not. I've been thinking a bit lately about how I can't find a local place that will even think of carrying the comic or products, and the fact that I'm a bit iffy about online ordering. Then after reading the posts on here over again I thought a bit about the ones I saw that talked about people not being able to get the comic and other GB stuff. The sad fact is that there are people on this board who will be able to get it, and there will be some who won't be able to get it. Considering all of the hype that this project is receiving, and the excitement that many people are feeling about this also has a reverse effect of an anxiety as to whether or not some will be able to get the comic against some decent odds. Not to mention the effect of knowing that many of the people you know from this community might be able to get something that everyone looked forward to and a bit of a “left out” feeling. One thing that certainly gets me is that this whole community contributed things to the comic (ideas, support, and other various things) and sadly not all of us will be able to benefit from it, or it at least appears that way. I know that no solution seems to be in sight to that, but I figured that I would type this up to make it visible how some people on here seem luckier than others by actually being able to support this revival when others can't. Also in part to let them know that they'll also have to keep in mind that there are people who would like to support it, but aren't able to (all support makes a difference and hopefully there will be some way to compensate for the support that can't be shown). I also can't forget the one fact that I do want to make clear, that I sympathize with those that might not be able to do much in the way of this revival (as far as being able to purchase the newer things goes),and that I hope that some way for ALL of us to be able to reap some of the rewards from this revival will just pop in there. And that opinion in my mind isn't going to change even if the comic and new items become overly abundant out of nowhere in my area, considering that I'd still know that there are fans out there who can't even get their hands on the stuff that they looked forward too. I guess the mods can do what they wish with this one. Maybe they'll think it's junk and get rid of it, maybe they won't. I guess this kind of rant or reflection that can make sense to someone when they write it (even if they only have gotten a few hours of sleep in the past few days), but might not make sense to others. Feel free to post any kind of criticism on this, or opinions (good or bad). I just wanted to try and say something for the people (no matter how few they are) that don't seem to be able to take part in the revival.