Rant: Seriously What Is Wrong With People?

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

Ok, I've seen enough people post about this that I have to go off on a rant…

I can understand buying 2 sets of certain things, or buying duplicate figures or whatever, when those were coming out… but why in the world would people spend $200+ on a 2nd set of the RGB DVD's that they won't ever open (newsflash, get a DVD burner and back up your discs if you're worried about them getting scratched).

Or saying you're going to buy the Blu-Ray without owning a Blu-Ray player? What is that about?

I mean, I get the idea of wanting to support the franchise and wanting to be able to buy new merch, but for Christ's sake, buy things you can use people. Don't pay $50 for basically a nice looking box… when its just the slime cover again anyway.

Sorry, but I mean there's spending exorbitant amounts on a franchise you love, and there's just being plain crazy and frivolous with your money. Buying things you can't use is simply throwing your money away. Save that money, and buy yourself a nice looking prop replica or some old figures or something. Don't waste your money on a DVD you can't even play.

by winston18

16 years, 5 months ago

Maybe buying duplicate DVD's isn't as much an insurance policy for if they get scratched but something they may be able to sell for more down the road. As for the Blu Ray I don't have a Blu Ray player and don't plan on getting one anytime soon but maybe some people are going to buy the Blu Ray Ghostbusters because they ARE planning on getting a Blu Ray player and they want to help boost initial sales/support the franchise. I would NEVER buy a DVD if I didn't have the player and I think most other people wouldn't either.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

Some have said they intend to buy it without owning the player.

And DVD's RARELY sell for a profit down the road. Its not like the thing isn't being mass produced and readily available almost everywhere. And with the rate they go, its not like the movie won't be available in yet another re-release in a year or two.

Like I said, things that can be seen as an investment, sure. Comics, figures, models, books, etc. Things that actually end up being rare. DVDs, in most cases, do not end up being rare.

by winston18

16 years, 5 months ago

I was just giving possible motives for people doing what they do, I personally wouldn't think for a second that a DVD set would be a collector's item like a MOC 1st Series Peter is now.