Rate it, daddy.

by RunDMC

23 years, 2 months ago

I've written a basic Ghostbusters 3 story and I'd like you to read it and rate it. It's in the Ghostbusters fan fiction section called “Ghostbusters 3: Who Ya Gonna Call?”.

So far three people have rated it. One good, one bad and one average. Anyway please read it properly because it can seem quite strange if you miss things out. Such as with the comment: “I find it hard to believe they would give their proton packs to a bunch of kids” - they arn't kids and they have been working for Ghostbusters for years! Anyway here's a little summary to get you interested:

The Ghostbusters is still a thriving business but the actual “busting” part has been forgotten. The company is now a basic paranormal investigation company but no ghosts have ever been seen physically.

The company now have some new employees, experienced paranormal investigators, but one of them actually catches some video footage of one in an old house.

The house turns out to be a key to summoning the greatest enemy the Ghostbusters have ever faced.


The Ghostbusters encounter the devil who tells them they have been dead for over twenty years and were killed when they crossed the streams to close Gozers portal and have been living in hell since.

They then find out this is a deception caused by a ghost in the house - which is the former mansion of Ivor Shandor.

Ivor Shandor's spirit appears in a form towards the end. Egon discovers the portal in Shandor building (Ghostbusters 1) was opened to allow him to be able to send his riches through with him to the afterlife. However he could only do this if he promised to become a minion of Gozer and gave Gozer the world.

When the portal was closed this stopped Gozer from destroying the world but twenty years was enough time to regain energy to emerge through a second doorway - at Ivor's mansion. The devil is a form of Gozer who has now made it a priority to destroy the Ghostbusters.

by SpiffSupreme

23 years, 2 months ago

I don't like the sound of this. It doesn't sound very funny.

Let's not forget the very reason why Ghostbusters was created – to make people LAUGH.

Although, if you take (most) of the plots of either GB1 or GB2 out of context, I guess THEY don't seem too funny EITHER … but to be fair, neither of them involved the Devil as a main character.

I'd rather stay out of this one.

Not that my opinion necessarily matters.