Ray Parker Jr. is "dead"! - new theme ideas

by unclesirus2

19 years, 8 months ago

Okay, not really…but for the sake of this post he is.

I've seen great discarguments about this, so here's my two cents:

If you're gonna make a new GB flick, you need a new GB theme. Now to be relistic, it wouldn't be in the movie itself, but would be on the soundtrack and it would be a remake of the original song, not a new one.

So the question is, who remakes it?

I got a few ideas…Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson, Ozzy (just kidding)…

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 8 months ago

FFS, topic titles like this are not good. And I think there is at least one topic devoted to this.

by gbusterchick68841

19 years, 8 months ago

OMG!!! You scared me for a moment!!!….but you do have a point….

by unclesirus2

19 years, 8 months ago

ffs? I thought there might already be this topic somewhere, but I couldn't find it.

by Mr.Sta-Puft

19 years, 8 months ago

Uncle Sirus
I got a few ideas…Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson, Ozzy (just kidding)…
you better be just kidding

by lordvego1

19 years, 8 months ago

Uncle Sirus
I got a few ideas…Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson, Ozzy (just kidding)…
you better be just kidding
if you make a joke like that again, Sirus, i will kill you

i like the Attaboy Skip cover, but I don't think it can be used in the flick… if a sequel was made this late after the original, you need the original song IN the movie and have both Attaboy Skip and the original on the soundtrack

by castewar1

19 years, 8 months ago

I qualified your post title, only because it confuses the topic you're trying to discuss - which is a good topic.

The trick to a new theme is that you have to find a group that can balance the “sound” of the theme, without further infringing on Huey and crew - you'll notice both the RUN DMC and EGB versions were sorta the same, but not. People still recalled the original theme (an important connection to maintain) without copying it.

And the other trick is that whomever does it has to have a lightheartedness. It is a comedy after all. I'm not sure Manson does lighthearted (not that it wouldn't be interested, but would it suit a comedy?)

by unclesirus2

19 years, 8 months ago

Actually, does GB3 have to be a comedy? While it does stand that the first two are hilarious, why does the third have to be held to the same cookie cutter idea of what GB is? I say if Child's Play can eventually become Seed of Chucky and Nightmare on Elm Street can become Feddy VS Jason, then we can take a great comedy and make it an even better scary flick that just happens to have some humor in it.

My Nomination for Rob Zombie still stands…but if humor and light-heartedness is really needed, then I guess Sum 41, Yellowcard, or Ludacris (and I'm serious about that one) could do the job.

I have always kinda wanted to hear what Busta Rhymes could do with it though.

by lordvego1

19 years, 8 months ago

Personally I think it HAS to be a comedy because that is what the essence of GB is.. i mean it can be darker if you want but the comic feeling still has to be there

by fusi0n1

19 years, 8 months ago

Uncle Sirus
Actually, does GB3 have to be a comedy? While it does stand that the first two are hilarious, why does the third have to be held to the same cookie cutter idea of what GB is?
This could be a separate topic if it hasn't been done before already. (Has been 15 odd years since the last one, bound to have)
But I see what you're saying, however if you stray too far you will lose sight of what made the movies great, it's classed as one of the biggest comedies, just mixed with science. Whilst the second movie the horror/scaryness dropped somewhat, the comedic level stayed on par (if not a bit less) with the original, if they upped the comedy it might've been a better movie. If they are to introduce more horror and scariness, which wouldn't be too bad, as long as they remember it's still a comedy. It's worth a shot, but look at a lot of other franchines that strayed too far and became unlikeable.